1. I have exalted the glory of triumph with the white and the brown
And shortened the lives of enemies with distress
١. أَطَلتُ فَخارَ المَجدِ بالبيضِ وَالسُمرِ
وَقَصَّرتُ أَعمارَ العُداةِ عَلى قَسرِ
2. And I widened the paths of generosity by nature and habit
For things in the sublime that my chest was too narrow for
٢. وَوَسَّعتُ سُبُلَ الجودِ طَبعا وَصَنعَةً
لأشياءَ في العَلياءِ ضاقَ بِها صَدري
3. So there is no glory for a person whose opponent
Shares with him in fate by prohibition and command
٣. فَلا مَجدَ لِلإِنسانِ ما كانَ ضِدُّهُ
يُشارِكُهُ في الدَهر بالنَهي وَالأَمرِ