1. He imposes love on my heart and provides refuge,
And commands me that the beloved is the master.
١. يجورُ على قَلبي هَوىً وَيُجيرُ
وَيأمُرني إِنَّ الحَبيبَ أَميرُ
2. I obey the command of love with the obedience of a Muslim,
Even if it is in my nature to resist and shy away.
٢. أَطوعُ لأمرِ الحُبِّ طَوعَ مُسلِّمٍ
وَإِن كانَ مِن شأني إِباً وَنُفورُ
3. I am jealous over him from my glances to protect,
And I honor him for the lover is jealous.
٣. أَغارُ عَلَيهِ مِن لِحاظي صِيانَةً
وَأكرِمُهُ إِنَّ المُحِبَّ غَيورُ
4. I am shy about meeting the beloved although I
By your life, am dignified in all matters.
٤. أَخِفُّ عَلى لُقيا الحَبيبِ وَإِنَّني
لَعَمرُكَ في كُلِّ الأُمورِ وَقورُ