
My heart is sick for your absence from me

لقلبي لبعدك عني عليل

1. My heart is sick for your absence from me
My longing is healthy yet my body is sick

١. لَقَلبي لِبُعدك عَنّي عَليلُ
فَشَوقي صَحيحٌ وَجِسمي عَليلُ

2. And my love is as much as you know
Mountains may pass away but it will not pass away

٢. وَوُدّي عَلى حسب ما تَعلَمينَ
تَزولُ الجِبالُ وَما إِن يَزولُ

3. So do not become difficult due to the distance of the homes
For I, despite the distance, will not become difficult

٣. فَلا تَستَحيلي لِبُعد الديار
فَإِنّي مَعَ البُعد لا أَستَحيلُ