1. O mighty King, be lenient with taxing
And one who takes pleasure in forgiving sins
١. أَيا ملكا يَجِلّ عَن الضَريبِ
وَمَن يَلتَذُّ غُفرانَ الذُنوبِ
2. And one in whose hand is my misery and bounty
Who has power over foe and beloved
٢. وَمَن في كَفِّه بُؤسي وَنعمي
تَصرَّفَ في العدوّ وَفي الحَبيبِ
3. Your anger that persists exalts my soul
And I have none but your pardon as my remedy
٣. تَسَخّطك المُمِضُّ أَعَلَّ نَفسي
وَما لي غير عفوِكَ من طَبيبِ
4. I do not recall my sin, but
I have come in a state of distress
٤. ولست بمذكر ذَنبي وَلَكنْ
نَني قَد جئتُ في حالِ المُريبِ
5. If you punish me, it's what one like me deserves
And if you pardon, it's no wonder
٥. فَإِن عاقَبتَني فَجَزاءُ مِثلي
وَإِن تَصفَح فَلَيسَ مِن الغَريبِ
6. You remained supported as long as dawn gleamed
And as long as the dove cooed on the branch
٦. بقيتَ مُؤَيَّداً ما لاحَ بَرقٌ
وَما غَنّى الحَمامُ عَلى قَضيبِ