
When you went away, my eyes lost sight of all

لما نأيت نأى الكرى عن ناظري

1. When you went away, my eyes lost sight of all
And when you turned from me, they turned with you

١. لَمّا نأيتَ نأى الكرى عَن ناظِري
وَصرفته لَمّا انصرفتَ عَلَيهِ

2. The harbinger sought glad tidings to reward him
But I gave him my heart and begged his pardon

٢. طلبَ البَشيرُ بِشارَةً يُجزى بِها
فوَهَبتُ قَلبي واِعتَذَرتُ إِلَيهِ