
Be content with what was destined for you in your worldly life

اقنع بحظك في دنياك ما كانا

1. Be content with what was destined for you in your worldly life
And dignify yourself if you are away from your homeland

١. اِقنَع بِحَظِك في دُنياكَ ما كانَا
وَعَزِّ نَفسِكَ إِن فارَقت أَوطانا

2. For everything you lost, there is compensation from God
So make your heart feel comfort and faith

٢. في اللَه مِن كُلِّ مَفقودٍ مَضى عِوَضٌ
فأشَعر القَلبَ سُلوانا وَإِيمانا

3. Whenever a memory arises, you are thrilled by it
Your tears flow down your cheeks like a flood

٣. أَكُلَّما سنحت ذِكرى طَربتَ لَها
مَجَّت دُموعكَ في خدّيكَ طوفانا

4. Have you not heard of a ruler like you who
The sorrows of fate have humiliated him as a ruler

٤. أَما سَمِعتَ بِسُلطانِ شبيهكَ قَد
بَزَّتهُ سودُ خُطوب الدَهر سُلطانا

5. Accept the hatred and await its consequences hopefully
And ask God for forgiveness, you will gain His forgiveness

٥. وَطِّن عَلى الكُرهِ وَاِرقُب إِثرَهُ فَرجاً
وَاِستَغفِر اللَهَ تَغنَم مِنهُ غُفرانا