1. Have you gone blind or has blindness struck your stars?
For everything you promise has turned contrary.
١. أَرمدتَ أَمْ بِنَجومك الرمدُ
فَقَد عادَ ضدّا كُلُّ ما تَعِدُ
2. Does your reckoning include what you wish for?
Or has your appointed time run out on you?
٢. هَل في حسابك ما تُؤَمِّلُهُ
أَم قَد تَصَرَّمَ عِندَك الأمدُ
3. You used to whisper when you spoke to me
And frown if my hand disobeyed you.
٣. قَد كُنتَ تَهمِسُ إِذ تُخاطبني
وَتخطّ كُرهاً إِن عصَتكَ يَدُ
4. Now there is no sign or trace of you -
Did the country hide your person from me?
٤. فَالآن لا عَينٌ وَلا أَثَرٌ
أَتَراكَ غيَّبَ شخصكَ البَلَدُ
5. Or are you celebrating with the Virgin a wedding
Or when you lied did the lion make a meal of you?
٥. وتُراكَ بِالعَذراءِ في عُرسٍ
أَم إِذ كذبتَ سَطا بكَ الأَسَدُ
6. Kingship spares no one
And death spares no one for death.
٦. المُلكُ لا يُبقي عَلى أَحَدٍ
وَالمَوتُ لا يَبقى لَهُ أَحَدُ