1. My hands have led me, with their gift of bounty
To a sweet, flowing spring in a meadow.
١. لِكَفّيَ أَهدى في نَداها مِنَ العَطا
إِلى موردٍ عَذبٍ عَلى بَوحِ
2. If others fail to sing my praises,
I raise my brow in self-congratulation.
٢. إِذا أَبطَل الأَملاك غَيري لِلثَنا
فَإِنّيَ وَضّاحُ الجَبين إِلى المَدحِ
3. And though each man may commit some crime against me,
I repay the wrong with forgiveness.
٣. وَكُلُّ امرىءٍ يَجني عَليَّ جَريمَةً
فَإِنّي أُجازيه عَلى الذَنبِ بِالصَفحِ