1. When we met to bid farewell one morn
And flags were fluttering in the castle yard
١. وَلَما التَقينا للوَداع غُدَيَّةً
وَقَد خَفَقَت في ساحَة القَصر راياتُ
2. The troops were mustering, the drums beat out
And signs of parting hung on every side
٢. وَقُربَتِ الجُردُ العِتاقُ وَصُفِّقت
طُبولٌ وَلاحَت لِلفِراق عَلاماتُ
3. We wept until our eyes flowed blood, as though
Our tears were red, so many wounds they'd scarred
٣. بَكَينا دَماً حَتّى كأنَّ عُيونَنا
لجري الدُموع الحُمر مِنها جِراحاتُ
4. We hoped to meet again in just three days
How harder now, so long has our exile tarred
٤. وَكُنّا نُرَجّي الأوبَ بَعدَ ثَلاثَةٍ
فَكَيفَ وَقَد طالَت عَلَيها زياداتُ