
The king in folding the books

الملك في طي الدفاتر

1. The king in folding the books
So leave the leadership of the armies

١. الملكُ في طيّ الدَفاتِرْ
فَتخلّ عَن قَود العَساكِرْ

2. Stroll to the bed surrendered
And return to bid the pulpits farewell

٢. طُف بِالسَرير مسلِّماً
واِرجع لِتَوديعِ المَنابِرْ

3. And crawl to the army of Ma'a
High you defeat the gambling ink

٣. واِزحَفْ إِلى جَيش المَعا
رِف تَقهَر الحِبرَ المُقامِرْ

4. And stab with the edges of spears
Victory in the battlefields

٤. واِطعَن بِأَطراف اليَرا
ع نُصرتَ في ثَغر المَحابِرْ

5. And strike with the knife of the state
In place of the past mighty one

٥. واِضرب بِسكين الدَوا
ة مَكانَ ماضي الحَدّ باتِرْ

6. Or aren't you Aristotle when
The great philosophers are mentioned

٦. أَوَ لَستَ رُسطاليس إِن
ذُكِرَ الفَلاسِفَةُ الأَكابِرْ

7. And so if the Khalil is mentioned
You are a grammarian and a poet

٧. وَكَذَلِكَ إِن ذُكر الخَلي
لُ فَأَنتَ نَحويّ وَشاعِرْ

8. And Abu Hanifa has fallen
In opinion when you are present

٨. وَأَبو حَنيفَةَ ساقِطٌ
في الرأي حينَ تَكونُ حاضِرْ

9. Who is Hermes, who is Sibawayh
Who is Ibn Furak if you debate

٩. من هُرمُسُ من سيبَوي
هِ من ابن فورَك إِن تُناظِرْ

10. These virtues have contained
So be grateful to those who loved you

١٠. هَذي المَكارِمُ قَد حَوَي
ت فَكُن لِمَن حاباك شاكِرْ

11. And sit for you are a host
Of a cup and say is there any boasting

١١. واِقعُد فَإِنَّك طاعِمٌ
كاسٍ وَقُل هَل مِن مُفاخِرْ

12. So you were veiled from my pleasure
And you had met it traveling

١٢. فَحُجبتَ وَجهَ رِضايَ عَن
كَ وَكُنتَ قَد تَلقاهُ سافِرْ

13. Or don't you remember the time of softness
And your heart then was flying

١٣. أَوَ لَستَ تَذكُرُ وَقتَ لَو
رقة وَقَلبُك ثَمَّ طائِرْ

14. Not settling in its place
And your father like the groggy hyena

١٤. لا يَستَقِرُّ مَكانَهُ
وَأَبوكَ كالضِرغام خادِرْ

15. Why didn't you emulate his deed
And obey him then as he commanded

١٥. هَلّا اِقتَدَيتَ بِفِعلِهِ
وَأَطَعتَه إِذ ذاكَ آمِرْ

16. He was more insightful of consequences
And resources and sources

١٦. قَد كانَ أَبصَرَ بِالعَوا
قِبِ وَالمَوارِد وَالمَصادِرْ