
O you whose penetrating eyes observe me,

يا خبر من يلحظه ناظري

1. O you whose penetrating eyes observe me,
My testimony has no trace of falsehood.

١. يا خَبَر مَن يَلحَظَه ناظِري
شَهادَةٌ ما شابَها زُورُ

2. When the night of misfortune casts its veil,
The light of your wisdom illuminates it.

٢. وَمَن إِذا ما لَيلُ خطبٍ دجا
لاحَ بِهِ مِن رأيِهِ نورُ

3. Your view is a stern sword,
Anger against enemies, renowned.

٣. رَأَيُك إِمّا شِمَتُهُ صارِمٌ
عَضبٌ عَلى الأَعداءِ مَشهورُ

4. The birds whose secret is
Verses that gladden my heart came to me.

٤. جاءَتنيَ الطير الَّتي سِرُّها
نَظمٌ بِهِ قَلبيَ مَسرورُ

5. Poetry is magic, so do not deny
That I have lived enchanted by it.

٥. شِعرٌ هوَ السِحرُ فَلا تُنكِروا
أَنّي بِهِ ما عِشتُ مَسحورُ

6. If words and paper are likened
To musk and camphor.

٦. اللَفظُ وَالقِرطاسُ إِن شُبِّها
قيلَ هُما مِسكٌ وَكافورُ

7. And when my mind grew bold,
A sparrow answered.

٧. وَإِنَّهُ لَمّا اِغتَدى خاطِري
مُسائِلاً جاوَبَ عُصفورُ

8. It is to the army of birds as my thoughts
A falcon that attacked and was defeated.

٨. هُوَ لِجَيش الطَير مِن فِكرَتي
صَقرٌ فَوَلّى وَهوَ مَقهورُ

9. A verse shone for me, my heart is accustomed
To your love being confined to it.

٩. فَلاحَ لي بَيتٌ فُؤادي لَهُ
دأباً عَلى وُدّك مَقصورُ

10. Your share of my gratitude, my master,
Is abundant in what you have shown me.

١٠. حَظُّكَ مِن شكريَ يا سيدي
بِما بَدا لي منك مَوفورُ

11. I fell short in my composition, so forgive one
Who falls short before you, excused.

١١. قصّرتُ في نظميَ فاِعذر فَمَن
ضاهاكَ في التَقصير مَعذورُ

12. For if you compose poetry or prose,
Both verse and prose are impoverished.

١٢. فأنتَ إِن تنظمْ وَنتثرْ فَقَد
أَعوَزَ مَنظومٌ وَمَنثورُ

13. No garden of good fortune equals you in
Honor and noble station.

١٣. لا يَعدُكُم رَوضٌ مِنَ الحَظّ في ال
إِكرام وَالتَرفيع ممطُورُ