
I used to swear by the dew and the Lord of forgiveness,

كنت حلف الندى ورب السماح

1. I used to swear by the dew and the Lord of forgiveness,
The beloved of souls and spirits,

١. كُنتُ حِلفَ النَدى وربَّ السَماحِ
وَحَبيبَ النُفوسِ وَالأَرواحِ

2. When my right hand was for generosity on days of gifts,
And for taking souls on days of struggle,

٢. إِذ يَميني لِلبَذل يَومَ العَطايا
ولقبض الأَرواحِ يَومَ الكِفاحِ

3. While my left hand was for grabbing every rein,
That drives horses into the field of spears,

٣. وَشِمالي لَقَبضِ كُلِّ عنانٍ
يُقحِمُ الخَيلَ في مَجال الرِماحِ

4. Yet today I am a hostage of captivity and poverty,
My sanctuary violated, my wings broken,

٤. وَأَنا اليَومَ رَهنُ أسرٍ وَفَقرٍ
مُستَباحُ الحِمى مَهيضُ الجَناحِ

5. I cannot answer the scream if people come begging,
Nor the supplicants on days of forgiveness,

٥. لا أُجِيبُ الصَريخَ إِن حَضَرَ النا
س وَلا المُعتَفين يَومَ السَماحِ

6. My cheerful face that you knew has returned sullen,
Preoccupations have distracted me from my joys,

٦. عادَ بِشري الَّذي عهدتَ عُبوسا
شَغَلَتني الأَشجانُ عَن أَفراحي

7. So being playful with the eyes is now tedious,
Though it was once an amusement for the flirtatious.

٧. فالتِماحي إِلى العُيون كريهٌ
وَلَقَد كانَ نزهةَ اللَمّاحِ