1. You promised and failed me the promise
And contradicted the end with the beginning
١. وَعَدتَ وَأَخلَفتَني المَوعِدا
وَخالفتَ بِالمُنتهى المُبتَدا
2. You gave me hope then made me despair
And affection prevents me from resenting
٢. وَأطمَعتَني ثُمَّ أَيأستَني
وَيمنَعُني الودّ أَن أَحقِدا
3. You weakened with delay the rope of hope
So it became worn out and harvested
٣. وَأَضعَفتَ بالمطلِ حَبلَ الرَجا
ء فرثّ وَأعهدُهُ مُحصَدا
4. The light of my expectation turned to darkness
And its lamp became blind
٤. وَعادَ ضِياءُ اِرتِقابي ظَلاما
وَأَصبَحَ مصباحُه أَرمَدا
5. Your actions preceded your words
So what now after what appeared?
٥. وَكانَ فِعالُكَ قَبلَ المَقال
فَماذا عَدا الآن فيما بَدا
6. My assumption in what I saw
Was that stinginess tied the hand
٦. وَقَد كانَ ظَنّي فيما رَأَيتُ
بِهِ أَنَّ الشحّ غَلّ اليَدا
7. How often I wished it a garden
To bring closer the most distant hope
٧. وَكَم قَد توكفتُها رَوضَةً
تُقَرّب لي الأَمَلَ الأَبعَدا
8. Your knowledge illuminates its corners
And your nature drops dew in it
٨. يُنَوِّر عِلمُكَ أَرجاءَها
وَيَقطُرُ طَبعُك فيها نَدى
9. Wish it for a time my watcher
When a day passes, tomorrow comes
٩. تَوكّفها زَمنا ناظِري
إِذا مَرّ يَومٌ تَمادى غَدا
10. For that I ransom you from a glorious one
Who held on to the circumstance in it is guidance
١٠. عَلى ذاكَ أَفديك مِن ماجِدٍ
تَشّبتثَ بِالظَرف فيهِ الهُدى
11. So sometimes I visit with it a garden
And sometimes I cheer up with it a mosque
١١. فَحِيناً أَزور بِهِ رَوضَةً
وَحيناً أَحيّي بِهِ مَسجِدا
12. You have the knowledge whatever of its sea I want
To quench with it Ahmad the frequented watering place
١٢. لَكَ العِلم مَهما أَرِد بحرَهُ
لأروى بِهِ أَحمَدُ المَورِدا
13. And in you the glories gathered
Dispersed, so I became with them singular
١٣. وَفيكَ تَجمعت المأثُرا
تُ طرا فصرت بِها مُفرَدا
14. Traits that scatter the worries' group
Your strewing with opinion scattered the enemies
١٤. شَمائِلُ تَنثرُ شَملَ الهُمو
م نثرَكَ بِالرأي شملَ العِدى
15. So God let me enjoy from you
And you still are to me an eternal companion
١٥. فَمَتَّعَني اللَهُ بالحَظّ مِنك
وَلا زِلتَ لي مؤنِساً سَرمَدا
16. Remain, and we remain in our state
As the Pleiades accompany Aldebaran
١٦. وَدُمت وَدُمنا عَلى حالِنا
كَما يَصحَبُ الفرقدُ الفَرقَدا
17. Without you the gardens' expanses
Would echo my call in them
١٧. فَلولاك كانَت رُبوع السرو
ر مِنّي تَجاوَبَ فيها الصَدا