1. When misfortunes gather, stinginess is the worst of them
And worse than stinginess are promises and procrastination
١. إِذا اِجتَمَعَ الآفاتُ فَالبُخلُ شَرُّها
وَشَرٌّ مِنَ البُخلِ المَواعِدُ وَالمَطلُ
2. And there is no good in a promise if it is a lie
And there is no good in words if they are not accompanied by action
٢. وَلا خَيرَ في وَعدٍ إِذا كانَ كاذِباً
وَلا خَيرَ في قَولٍ إِذا لَم يَكُن فِعلُ