
When the youth is endowed with impudence

إذا رزق الفتى وجها وقاحا

1. When the youth is endowed with impudence
He does as he pleases in all matters

١. إِذا رُزِقَ الفَتى وَجهاً وَقاحاً
تَقَلَّبَ في الأُمورِ كَما يَشاءُ

2. Nothing can cure him, nothing avails
To make him refrain, to wean him away

٢. وَلَم يَكُ لِلدَواءِ وَلا لِشَيءٍ
يُعالِجُهُ بِهِ عَنهُ غَناءُ

3. Full many a woman I fain had enjoyed
But that modesty barred me the way

٣. وَرُبَّ قَبيحَةٍ ما حالَ بَيني
وَبَينَ رُكوبِها إِلّا الحَياءُ

4. He it was that led me astray, but then
When modesty's gone there's no cure, none can say

٤. وَكانَ هُوَ الَّذي أَلهى وَلكِن
إِذا ذَهَبَ الحَياءُ فَلا دَواءُ