1. What pillar weakened from Islam?
What day was more sorrowful than days?
١. أَيُّ رُكنٍ وَهى مِن الإِسلامِ
أَيُّ يَومٍ أَخنى عَلى الأَيّامِ
2. The prince's calamity surpassed all calamities,
Seized by delusions of grandeur.
٢. جَلَّ رُزءُ الأَميرِ عَن كُلِّ رُزءٍ
أَدرَكَتهُ خَواطِرُ الأَوهامِ
3. The days robbed us of shaded shelter
And permitted violation of the most precious sanctuary.
٣. سَلَبَتنا الأَيّامُ ظِلّاً ظَليلاً
وَأَباحَت حِمىً عَزيزَ المَرامِ
4. O clan of Mus'ab, you held the place
Of souls in bodies among the people.
٤. يا بَني مُصعَبٍ حَلَلتُم مِن النا
سِ مَحَلَّ الأَرواحِ في الأَجسامِ
5. So if you have any doubt about fate,
It encompasses all of mankind.
٥. فَإِذا رابَكُم مِن الدَهرِ رَيبٌ
عَمَّ ما خَصَّكُم جَميعَ الأَنامِ
6. Look and see if you find anything but tears -
Witnesses over hearts in constant agony.
٦. اِنظُروا هَل تَرَونَ إِلّا دُموعاً
شاهِداتٍ عَلى قُلوبٍ دَوامي
7. Who can heal the world and who can restrain the king
In the face of immense, terrible misfortunes?
٧. مَن يُداوي الدُنيا وَمَن يَكلَأُ المُل
كَ لَدى فادِحِ الخُطوبِ العِظامِ
8. We are afflicted by his death, and the greatest
Disaster is the death of nobles and leaders.
٨. نَحنُ مُتنا بِمَوتِهِ وَأَجَلُّ ال
خَطبِ مَوتُ الساداتِ وَالأَعلامِ
9. He did not die, and the Prince remains alive,
Ever avenging and bestowing favors.
٩. لَم يَمُت وَالأَميرُ طاهِرُ حَيٌّ
دائِمُ الإِنتِقامِ وَالإِنعامِ
10. After him is the system of glorious deeds,
The pillar of the world and the Imam's sword.
١٠. وَهُوَ مِن بَعدِهِ نِظامُ المَعالي
وَقِوامُ الدُنيا وَسَيفُ الإِمامِ