
The companion of my heart has a moan

ومشترك الفؤاد له أنين

1. The companion of my heart has a moan
That troubles him, remembrance and yearning

١. وَمُشتَرَكِ الفُؤادِ لَهُ أَنينُ
يُؤَرِّقُهُ التَذَكُّرُ وَالحَنينُ

2. He wishes to visit after hardship
His eyes rain with his tears

٢. تُمَنّيهِ الزِيارَةَ بَعدَ لَأيٍ
وَقَد مُطِرَت بِأَدمُعِهِ الجُفونُ

3. If a decorated camel lies down with mange
Contagions afflict it, decaying

٣. إِذا سَجَعَت مُطَوَّقَةٌ عَراهُ
تَباريحٌ يُلَقِّحُها المَنونُ

4. I loved you as long as I lived
And I was faithful in that love

٤. حَبَوتُكَ حُبَّهُ ما دُمتُ حَيّاً
وَإِنّي بِالوَفاءِ بِهِ قَمينُ

5. If you keep it I will give you more
If you lose it, I do not waver or betray

٥. فَإِن تَحفَظ أَزِدكَ وَإِن تُضِعهُ
فَإِنّي لا أَحولُ وَلا أَخونُ