
The treasures appeared near the caliphate

بان بقرب الخليفة التحف

1. The treasures appeared near the caliphate
An abode of truthfulness and a pleasant garden

١. بانَ بِقُربِ الخَليفَةِ التُحَفُ
مَحَلُّ صِدقٍ وَرَوضَةٌ أُنُفُ

2. A house that dazzles the eyes, which
The describers cannot reach even if they describe

٢. دارٌ تَحارُ العُيونُ فيها وَلا
يَبلُغُها الواصِفونَ إِن وَصَفوا

3. It did not affiliate with anyone before him
Nor was it adorned by noble ancestors

٣. لَم تَنتَسِب قَبلَهُ إِلى أَحَدٍ
وَلا تَحَلَّت مِنَ الأُلى سَلَفوا

4. The sea and the land are in the hands of a king
Whose face radiates like glowing embers

٤. البَحرُ وَالبَرُّ في يَدي مَلِكٍ
تُشرِقُ مِن نورِ وَجهِهِ السُدَفُ

5. God chose it for the Imam who
Does justice to himself and compromises

٥. اِختارَها اللَهُ لِلإِمامِ الَّذي
يُنصِفُ مِن نَفسِهِ وَيَنتَصِفُ

6. People have known that with the king who
Trusts in God, nobility is exalted

٦. قَد عَلِمَ الناسُ أَنَّ بِالمَلِكِ ال
واثِقِ بِاللَهِ يَشرُفُ الشَرَفُ

7. Blessed is the unifier of hearts upon
His obedience, even though hearts differ

٧. تَبارَكَ الجامِعُ القُلوبَ عَلى
طاعَتِهِ وَالقُلوبُ تَختَلِفُ

8. It is not the Najaf of Hira that I describe
Nor Hunain, nor the chivalrous young man

٨. ما نَجَفُ الحيرَةِ الَّذي أَصِفُ
وَلا حُنَينٌ وَلا الفَتى القَصِفُ

9. If the dwellings became desolate without Hunain as
They became desolate after the departure of a companion

٩. إِن أَوحَشَ الرَبعُ مِن حُنَينَ كَما
أَوحَشَ مِن بَعدِ خُلَّةٍ سَرِفُ

10. Then revelry remains, and from every fallen one's
Resting place, sounds escape listening ears

١٠. فَاللَّهوُ باقٍ وَفي مُخارِقَ لِل
أسماعِ مِن كُلِّ هالِكٍ خَلَفُ