
She passed by, so I spoke to her my words of passion:

مرت فقلت لها مقالة مغرم

1. She passed by, so I spoke to her my words of passion:
"Why no greeting to me, so greet me!"

١. مَرَّت فَقُلتُ لَها مَقالَةَ مُغرَمِ
ماذا عَلَيكِ مِن السَلامِ فَسَلِّمي

2. She said "For whom do you care? Your eyes bear witness
to the leanness of your body," I said, "for the speaker."

٢. قالَت لِمَن تَعنى فَطَرفُكَ شاهِدٌ
بِنُحولِ جِسمِكَ قُلتُ لِلمُتَكَلِّمِ

3. She smiled at me and said "Do you not see
that one like you might be with a smiler?"

٣. فَتَبَسَّمَت مِنّي وَقالَت لا تَرى
فَلَعَلَّ مِثلَ هَواكَ بِالمُتَبَسِّمِ

4. I said "We agree in passion, so visiting
or a kiss before visiting, bring to me."

٤. قُلتُ اِتَّفَقنا في الهَوى فَزِيارَةً
أَو قُبلَةً قَبلَ الزِيارَةِ قَدِّمي

5. She laughed at me and said "That's how it is,
If I didn't let you sleep with me, you wouldn't have dreamed."

٥. فَتَضاحَكَت مِنّي وَقالَت هكَذا
لَو لَم أَدَعكَ تَنامُ بي لَم تَحلُمِ