1. Seize the freshness of this new time,
Make this festival the best celebration,
١. اِغتَنِم جِدَّةَ الزَمانِ الجَديدِ
وَاِجعَلِ المَهرَجانَ أَيمَنَ عيدِ
2. Do not neglect the day of joy or travel,
Of rest, and good deeds.
٢. لا تُعَطِّل يَومَ السُرورِ وَلا الري
حانِ وَالراحِ وَالفَعالِ الحَميدِ
3. Start it with a rosy morning, and when you are thrilled,
Its roses appear on your cheeks.
٣. وَاِصطَبِحها وَردِيَّةً فَإِذا حُث
ثَت تَبَيَّنتَ وَردَها في الخُدودِ
4. Take the cup from the hand of every lovely-eyed one,
With graceful gait and flowing sleeve.
٤. وَخُذِ الكَأسَ مِن يَدي كُلِّ مَيّا
سِ الخُطى مُخطَفِ الحَشا مَقدودِ
5. Like a spear shaft if it shakes its shoulder,
And like a gazelle in the beauty of its neck.
٥. مِثلِ قَدِّ القَضيبِ إِن هَزَّ عِطفَي
هِ وَمِثلِ الغَزالِ في حُسنِ جيدِ
6. We have not seen faces look beautiful unless
Their beauty is coupled with beauty of manners.
٦. ما رَأَينا الوُجوهَ تَحسُنُ إِن لَم
يَتِّصِل حُسنُها بِحُسنِ القُدودِ
7. Blessed is a gathering where cups are passed around us
Between a flute and lute.
٧. حَبَّذا مَجلِسٌ تَدورُ عَلَينا
فيهِ كَأسانِ بَينَ نايٍ وَعودِ
8. Of drink that the virtuous Muslim enjoys
And is coveted by the meanest Jew.
٨. مِن شَرابٍ يَعافُهُ المُسلِمُ العَف
فُ وَتَحظى بِهِ أَكُفُّ اليَهودِ
9. May God bless the Caliph during this feast
And every excellent and venerable side!
٩. بارَكَ اللَهُ لِلخَليفِةِ في العي
دِ وَفي كُلِّ طارِفٍ وَتَليدِ
10. We live in the shade of the most merciful of men toward people
And the most valiant and generous in might.
١٠. نَحنُ في ظِلِّ أَرحَمِ الناسِ بِالنا
سِ وَأَولاهُمُ بِبَأسٍ وَجودِ
11. The elite of God and the cousin of the Prophet of God
And the son of the Guided One and the son of Ar-Rashid.
١١. صَفوَةُ اللَهِ وَاِبنُ عَمِّ نَبِيِّ ال
لَهِ وَاِبنُ المَهدِيِّ وَاِبنُ الرَشيدِ
12. Every day we see him in it, safe and sound -
It is for us a day of celebration.
١٢. كُلَّ يَومٍ نَراهُ فيهِ مُعافىً
سالِماً فِهُوَ عِندَنا يَومُ عيدِ
13. He is the sun of the morning when darkness overwhelms,
And the full moon of nightfall, and good fortune of fortunes.
١٣. هُوَ شَمسُ الضُحى إِذا أَظلَمَ الخَط
بُ وَبَدرُ الدُجى وَسَعدُ السُعودِ
14. O Banu Hashim, the descendants of Abdul Manaf,
Your love comes from Divine Oneness.
١٤. يا بَني هاشِمِ بنِ عَبدِ مَنافٍ
نِسبَةٌ حُبُّها مِن التَوحيدِ
15. You are the best masters, O Banu Al-Abbas,
So excel, and we are the best servants.
١٥. أَنتُمُ خَيرُ سادَةٍ يا بَني العَب
باسِ فَاِبقَوا وَنَحنُ خَيرُ عَبيدِ
16. We are your supporters from the people of Khurasan,
The strong and mighty warriors.
١٦. نَحنُ أَشياعُكُم مِنَ اَهلِ خُراسا
نَ أولو قُوَّةٍ وَبَأسٍ شَديدِ
17. We are the sons of this esteemed land,
And the people of praiseworthy partisanship.
١٧. نَحنُ أَبناءُ هذِهِ الخِرَقِ السو
دِ وَأَهلُ التَشَيُّعِ المَحمودِ
18. If you are pleased with something, we are pleased, and if you are obstinate,
We obstinately refuse, with the refusal of lions.
١٨. إِن رَضيتُم أَمراً رَضينا وَإِن تَأ
بَوا أَبَينا لَكُم إِباءَ الأُسودِ
19. We will not befriend your enemy,
Nor carry anger toward the loving ally.
١٩. لا نُوالي لَكُم عَدُوّاً وَلا نَح
مِلُ ضِغناً عَلى الوَلِيِّ الوَدودِ
20. God and the Caliph suffice us afterward,
And after him the governors of succession.
٢٠. حَسبُنا اللَهُ وَالخَليفَةُ مِن بَع
دُ وَمِن بَعدِهِ وُلاةُ العُهودِ
21. Your hands planted me, O cousin of God's Messenger,
And caused me to grow and flourish.
٢١. غَرسُ كَفَّيكَ يااِبنَ عَمِّ رَسولِ ال
لَهِ أَنشَأتَني وَأَورَقتَ عودي
22. You increased my enviers, though once
I could not be guided to envy.
٢٢. أَنتَ كَثَّرتَ حاسِدِيَّ وَقَد كُن
تُ زَماناً لا أَهتدي لِحَسودِ