
By your life! People have not praised you,

لعمرك ما الناس أثنوا عليك

1. By your life! People have not praised you,
Nor versified you, nor exalted you,

١. لَعَمرُكَ ما الناسُ أَثنَوا عَلَيكَ
وَلا قَرَّظوكَ وَلا عَظَّموا

2. Nor preceded you in the good deeds you have attained,
Nor put you forward.

٢. وَلا سابَقوكَ عَلى ما بَلَغتَ
مِن الصالِحاتِ وَلا قَدَّموا

3. If they had found a way to disparage you, they would not have refrained.
But you were patient with what they compelled you to do,

٣. وَلَو وَجَدوا لَهُمُ مَطعَناً
إِلى أَن يَعيبوكَ ما أَحجَموا

4. And did well what you were not compelled to do.
When they met you, their tongues were as you wished them to be.

٤. وَلكِن صَبَرتَ لِما أَلزَموكَ
وَجُدتَ بِما لَم تَكُن تُلزَمُ

5. Lower your wing over them and success is at hand.
Belittle not the Bestower of Favors!

٥. وَكانَ قِراكَ إِذا ما لَقوكَ
لِساناً بِما سَرَّهُم يُنعِمُ

6. By your favor they flock to be honored.

٦. وَخَفضُ الجَناحِ وَشيكُ النَجاحِ
وَتَصغيرُ ما أَعظَمَ المُنعِمُ

٧. وَأَنتَ بِفَضلِكَ ألجَأتَهُم
إِلى أَن تَعالوا بِأَن يُكرَموا