
Nothing remains of you but your shining phantom

لم يبق منك سوى خيالك لامعا

1. Nothing remains of you but your shining phantom
Above the bed, cushioned with pillows

١. لَم يَبقَ مِنكَ سِوى خَيالِكَ لامِعاً
فَوقَ الفِراشِ مُمَهَّداً بِوِسادِ

2. The wilderness rejoiced at your death, all of it
Whoever among them was certain of the Return

٢. فَرِحَت بِمَصرَعِكَ البَرِيَّةُ كُلُّها
مَن كانَ مِنهُم موقِناً بِمَعادِ

3. How many gatherings for God have you invalidated
Lest the isnad be mentioned in them

٣. كَم مَجلِسٍ لِلَّهِ قَد عَطَّلتَهُ
كَي لا يُحَدَّثَ فيهِ بِالإِسنادِ

4. And how many lamps have you extinguished for us
Until we stray from the guided path

٤. وَلَكَم مَصابيحٍ لَنا أَطفَأتَها
حَتّى نَحيدَ عَنِ الطَريقِ الهادي

5. And how many generous circles have you widowed
And preachers shackled in chains

٥. وَلَكَم كَريمَةِ مَعشَرٍ أَرمَلتَها
وَمُحَدِّثٍ أَوثَقتَ في الأَقيادِ

6. Indeed the prisoners in jail took comfort
When the funeral processions came to you

٦. إِنَّ الأُسارى في السُجونِ تَفَرَّجوا
لَمّا أَتَتكَ مَواكِبُ العُوّادِ

7. And tomorrow the doctor will come to your deathbed
But find no remedy for your malady

٧. وَغَدا لِمَصرَعِكَ الطَبيبُ فَلَم يَجِد
لِدَواءِ دائِكَ حيلَةَ المُرتادِ

8. So taste humiliation, soon and late
And God is Lord of the Throne, on watch

٨. فَذُقِ الهَوانَ مُعَجَّلاً وَمُؤَجَّلاً
وَاللَهُ رَبُّ العَرشِ بِالمِرصادِ

9. Still your illness that plagued you constantly
And you were bereaved of children before death

٩. لا زالَ فَالِجُكَ الَّذي بِكَ دائِماً
وَفُجِعتَ قَبلَ المَوتِ بِالأَولادِ