1. They did not erect with the vile ones the structure of vilification
Of one immersed and unknown.
١. لَم يَنصِبوا بِالشاذِياخِ ضَبيحَةَ الإِ
ثنَينِ مَغموراً وَلا مَجهولا
2. They erected, by the Grace of God, with eyes filled
With nobility and hearts filled with reverence.
٢. نَصَبوا بَحَمدِ اللَهِ مِلءَ عُيونِهِم
شَرَفاً وَمِلءَ صُدورِهِم تَبجيلا
3. He only gained more esteem by his ordeal
And the enemies gained from him even more withdrawal.
٣. ما اِزدادَ إِلّا رِفعَةً بِنُكولِهِ
وَاِزدادَتِ الأَعداءُ عَنهُ نُكولا
4. Was he not like a lion who left his den
So you saw him carried helpless?
٤. هَل كانَ إِلّا اللَيثَ فارَقَ غيلَهُ
فَرَأَيتَهُ في مَحمَلٍ مَحمولا
5. The enemies cannot feel safe from his firmness
With firm separation that splits their skulls.
٥. لا يَأمَنِ الأَعداءُ مِن شَدّاتِهِ
شَدّاً يُفَصِّلُ هامَهُم تَفصيلا
6. His being stripped is no disgrace, for naked
The sword appears more fearsome when unsheathed.
٦. ما عابَهُ أَن بُزَّ عَنهُ لِباسُهُ
فَالسَيفُ أَهوَلُ ما يُرى مَسلولا
If the full moon is eclipsed, it is not shamed
٧. إِن يُبتَذَل فَالبَدرُ لا يُزري بِهِ
أَن كانَ لَيلَةَ تِمِّهِ مَبذولا
8. For being obscured one night when exposed.
٨. أَو يَسلُبوهُ المالَ يُحزِنُ فَقدُهُ
ضَيفاً أَلَمَّ وَطارِقاً وَنَزيلا
9. If they rob him of wealth, its loss grieves
A guest, visitor, and lodger.
٩. أَو يَحبِسوهُ فَلَيسَ يُحبَسُ سائِرٌ
مِن شِعرِهِ يَدَعُ العَزيزَ ذَليلا
If they imprison him, no traveler is confined
١٠. إِنَّ المَصايِبَ ما تَعَدَّت دينَهُ
نِعَمٌ وَإِن صَعُبَت عَلَيهِ قَليلا
11. By his poetry that leaves the dear humiliated.
Indeed, hardships have not gone beyond his faith-
١١. وَاللَهُ لَيسَ بِغافِلٍ عَن أَمرِهِ
وَكَفى بِرَبِّكَ ناصِراً وَوَكيلا
12. Blessings, even if they were hard on him a little.
God is not heedless of his affair,
١٢. لَن تَسلُبوهُ وَإِن سَلَبتُم كُلَّ ما
خَوَّلتُموهُ وَسامَةً وَقَبولا
13. Your Lord suffices as Helper and Trustee.
You cannot rob him, even if you seize all
١٣. هَل تَملِكونَ لِدينِهِ وَيَقينِهِ
وَجَنانِهِ وَبَيانِهِ تَبديلا
14. The valor and acceptance you empowered him with.
Do you own his religion, certainty,
١٤. لَم تَنقُصوهُ وَقَد مَلَكتُم ظُلمَهُ
ما النَقصُ إِلّا أَن يَكونَ جَهولا
15. Paradises, elucidation to exchange?
You did not diminish him when you owned his darkness-
١٥. كادَت تَكونُ مُصيبَةً لَو أَنَّكُم
أَوضَحتُمُ ذَنباً عَلَيهِ جَليلا
16. Diminishment is only to be ignorant.
It would nearly be a tragedy if you
١٦. إِن كانَ سَفَّ إِلى الدَنيئَةِ أَو رَأى
غَيرَ الجَميلِ مِن الأُمورِ جَميلا
17. Showed a grave error on him clearly.
If he erred towards vileness or saw
١٧. لَو تَنصِفُ الأَيّامُ لَم تَعثُر بِهِ
إِذ كانَ مِن عَثَراتِهِنَّ مُقيلا
18. Unlike the beautiful in matters as beautiful.
If days were equitable, they would not stumble upon him
١٨. وَلَتَعلَمُنَّ إِذا القُلوبُ تَكَشَّفَت
عَنها الأَكِنَّةُ مَن أَضَلُّ سَبيلا