1. Reprove me less, for blame
makes even the clear fault vague,
١. أَقِلّي فَإِنَّ اللَومَ أَشكَلَ واضِحُهْ
وَكَم مِن نَصيحٍ لا تُمَلُّ نَصائِحُهْ
2. And how many pieces of advice are unbearable in their nagging persistence
Why have you, my lady, sat sulking, finding fault with me
٢. عَلامَ قَعَدتِ القُرفُصى تَعذُلينَني
كَأَنِّيَ جانٍ كُلَّ ذَنبٍ وَجارِحُهْ
3. As if I were a demon, the agent of every misdoing?
Has the world become too narrow for me, or am I not confident
٣. أَضاقَت عَلَيَّ الأَرضَ أَم لَستُ واثِقاً
بِحَزمٍ تُغاديهِ القَنا وَتُراوِحُهْ
4. Of a resolution the spearpoint and blades caress?
When has a free man ever been abased whose face
٤. مَتى هانَ حُرٌّ لَم يُرِق ماءَ وَجهِهِ
وَلَم تُختَبَر يَوماً بِرَدٍّ صَفائِحُهْ
5. the waters of honor have never tested?
I will be patient until patience knows that I
٥. سَأَصبِرُ حَتّى يَعلَمَ الصَبرُ أَنَّني
أَخوهُ الَّذي تُطوى عَلَيهِ جَوانِحُهْ
6. am its brother, the one its wings enfold,
And I will look to good times coming, for I see
٦. وَأَقبَلُ مَيسورَ الزَمانِ وَإِنَّما
أَرى العَيشَ مَقصوراً على مَن يُسامِحُهْ
7. life is only for those who can forgive it.
So I will give praise in earnest to Him who,
٧. فَأُخلِصُ مَدحي لِلَّذي إِن دَعَوتُهُ
أَجابَ وَإِلّا أَسعَدتَني مَدائِحُهْ
8. if I call, answers, or else his blessings delight me.
What is life if not honor, safety, wealth -
٨. هَلِ العَيشُ إِلّا العِزُّ وَالأَمنُ وَالغِنى
غِنى النَفسِ وَالمَغبوطُ مَن ذَلَّ كاشِحُهْ
9. wealth of spirit - happy he whom this adorns!
And of the pride of young men: deliverance from sorrow
٩. وَمِن هِمَمِ الفِتيانِ تَفريجُ كُربَةٍ
وَإِطلاقُ عانٍ باتَ وَالبُؤسُ فادِحُهْ
10. and freeing the fettered whom misery holds fast,
And a guest who has crossed the night asking where lives one
١٠. وَضَيفٍ تَخَطّى اللَيلَ يَسأَلُ مَن فَتىً
يُضيفُ فَدَلَّتهُ عَلَيهِ نوابِحُهْ
11. whose hospitality guides like a beacon,
So this free man relieved his hurt, his qualities
١١. فَأَذهَبَ عَنهُ الضُرَّ حُرٌّ خِصالُهُ
عُجابٌ وَلكِن مُحصَناتٌ نَواصِحُهْ
12. marvelous yet his exhortations judicious,
And the longing of one wronged who wished you present
١٢. وَلَهفَةِ مَظلومٍ تَمَنّاكَ حاضِراً
وَقَد ذُعِرَت أَسرابُهُ وَسوارِحُهْ
13. though his flocks were scattered and his possessions plundered,
So you came to brave the night, bravely, to bring him aid,
١٣. فَجِئتَ تَخوضُ اللَيلَ خَوضاً لِنَصرِهِ
وَلَولاكَ لَم يَدفَع عَنِ السَرحِ سارِحُهْ
14. and but for you none would have driven off his despoiler.
How many a foe has lain awake stoking his hatred
١٤. وَكَم مِن عَدُوٍّ باتَ يَحرُقُ نابَهُ
عَلَيَّ كَما يَستَقدِحُ المَرخَ قادِحُهْ
15. against me, as the flint-lighter fans the flame!
I have not hurt the noble nor harmed the base;
١٥. أَعاذِلَ لَم أَجرَح كَريماً وَلَم أَلُم
لَئيماً وَبَعضُ الشَرِّ يَجمَحُ جامِحُهْ
16. some evil the headlong flood drives on.
If I lack great wealth, yet I have great worth
١٦. وَإِلّا يَكُن مالي كَثيراً فَإِنَّني
كَثيرٌ إِذا ما صاحَ بِالجَيشِ صائِحُهْ
17. whenever the crier calls the troops to arms.
The champions ride out bareheaded and clasp
١٧. وَأَقبَلَتِ الأَبطالُ جُرداً وَصافَحَت
رِجالٌ بِأَطرافِ القَنا مَن تُصافِحُهْ
18. hands with men on the spear-points.
No true man he who all night counts his profit,
١٨. وَلَيسَ الفَتى مَن باتَ يَحسُبُ رِبحَهُ
بَطيئاً ضَنيناً بِالَّذي هُوَ رابِحُهْ
19. miserly, grudging what enriches him;
Who believes he alone has rights over himself
١٩. يَرى أَنَّهُ لا حَقَّ إِلّا لِنَفسِهِ
عَلَيهِ وَأَنَّ الجودَ بِالمالِ فاضِحُهْ
20. and generosity with wealth brings shame.
His excuses for not eating are many,
٢٠. لَهُ عِلَلٌ دونَ الطَعامِ كَثيرَةٌ
وَوَجهٌ قَبيحٌ أَربَدُ اللَونِ كالِحُهْ
21. his face pale and ugly as a raisin,
Full of gnawing worries, like a padlock
٢١. كَثيرُ هُمومِ النَفسِ كَزٌّ كَأَنَّهُ
مِن البُخلِ قُفلٌ ضاعَ عَنهُ مَفاتِحُهْ
22. whose key is lost and cannot be opened.
Let no people gloat who have plotted against me
٢٢. فَلا يَشمَتَن قَومٌ أَصابوا بِمَكرِهِم
عَلَيَّ سَبيلاً أَغلَقَتها مَسالِحُهْ
23. and found a way blocked by my weapons;
No sin lies with the grapevines if the smell
٢٣. وَلا ذَنبَ لِلعودِ الذِمارِيِّ إِنَّما
يُحَرَّقُ مَن دَلَّت عَلَيهِ رَوائِحُهْ
24. of their burning points to the guilty.
Deceit belongs to women, but your true enemy
٢٤. وَما المَكرُ إِلّا لِلنِّساءِ وَإِنَّما
عَدُوُّكَ مَن يُشجيكَ حَتّى تُصالِحُهْ