
Know, O most beloved thing to me,

اعلمي يا أحب شيء إليا

1. Know, O most beloved thing to me,
That my longing for you has overcome me.

١. اِعلَمي يا أَحَبَّ شَيءٍ إلَيّا
أَنَّ شَوقي إِلَيكِ قاضٍ عَلَيّا

2. If God decrees that I return to you,
I will forget our parting as long as I live.

٢. إِن قَضى اللَهُ لي إِلَيكِ رُجوعاً
لا ذَكَرتُ الفِراقَ ما دُمتُ حَيّا

3. For the heat of our parting has wasted my body
And my heart is bent with longing for you.

٣. إِنَّ حَرَّ الفِراقِ أَنحَلَ جِسمي
وَكَوى القَلبَ مِنكِ بِالشَوقِ كَيّا