1. To God for what has befallen us we raise complaint
For in His hand lies the relief of hardship and trial
١. إِلى اللَهِ فيما نابَنا نَرفَعُ الشَكوى
فَفي يَدِهِ كَشفُ الضَرورَةِ وَالبَلوى
2. We have departed from the world while still among its people
Thus we are neither of the living in it nor of the dead
٢. خَرَجنا مِنَ الدُنيا وَنَحنُ مِنَ اَهلِها
فَلَسنا مِنَ الأَحياءِ فيها وَلا المَوتى
3. When the guard comes to us one day for a need
We are surprised and say he came from the world
٣. إِذا جاءَنا السَجّانُ يَوماً لِحاجَةٍ
عَجِبنا وَقُلنا جاءَ هذا مِنَ الدُنيا
4. And we rejoice in the dream, most of our talk
Is when we become, our talk is of the dream
٤. وَنَفرَحُ بِالرُؤيا فَجُلَّ حَديثِنا
إِذا نَحنُ أَصبَحنا الحَديثُ عَنِ الرُؤيا
5. If it is good, it does not come hastily but delays
And if it is ugly, it does not tarry but comes hastily
٥. فَإِن حَسُنَت لَم تَأتِ عَجلى وَأَبطَأَت
وَإِن قَبُحَت لَم تَحتَبِس وَأَتَت عَجلى