
My tears erase as my hand writes,

الدمع يمحو ويدي تكتب

1. My tears erase as my hand writes,
Love became difficult and pursuit hopeless,

١. الدَمعُ يَمحو وَيَدي تَكتُبُ
عَزَّ الهَوى وَاِمتَنَعَ المَطلَبُ

2. But my eyes like a fawn's eyes,
Flee to him though his glance wounds.

٢. أَما وَعَينَي قَمَرٍ أَحوَرٍ
إِلَيهِ مِن لَحظَتِهِ المَهرَبُ

3. My eyes haven't closed since his loss,
Their tears haven't ceased since he won't forgive.

٣. ما أَغمَضَت عَيني وَلا أَقلَعَت
دَمعَتُها مُذ هُوَ لا يُعتِبُ

4. I keep apologizing for his guilt,
But he won't be pleased though he's the one in the wrong.

٤. ما زِلتُ أَستَرضيهِ مِن ذَنبِهِ
فَلَيسَ يَرضى وَهُوَ المُذنِبُ