1. Whenever Banan sang,
Listen or tell us,
١. كُلَّما غَنّى بَنانٌ
اِسمَعي أَو خَبِّرينا
2. Fadl recited, isn't it good
That you came to us, oh city
٢. أَنشَدَت فَضلٌ أَلا حُي
ييتِ عَنّا يا مَدينا
3. It confronted meaning with meaning
While the remorseful were neglecting us
٣. عارَضَت مَعنىً بِمَعنىً
وَالنَدامى غافِلونا
4. It did well when it did not respond
They are the home of those who blame us
٤. أَحسَنَت إِذ لَم تُجاوب
هُم دِيارُ الظاعِنينا
5. If it had answered them we would have become
A sign for those who ask us
٥. لَو أَجابَتهُم لَصِرنا
آيَةً لِلسّائِلينا
6. And the Master regained his voice
Come on and urged us to drink
٦. وَاِستَعادَ الصَوتَ مَولا
ها وَحَثَّ الشارِبينا
7. I said to the Master when
The wine cup turned around between us
٧. قُلتُ لِلمَولى وَقَد دا
رَت حُمَيّا الكَأسِ فينا
8. Many a good voice grows
Horns in the head
٨. رُبَّ صَوتٍ حَسَنٍ ين
بِتُ في الرَأسِ قُرونا