
With joy for one whose leader is just,

بسر من را إمام عدل

1. With joy for one whose leader is just,
The seas draw from his sea.

١. بِسُرَّ مَن را إِمامُ عَدلٍ
تَغرِفُ مِن بَحرِهِ البِحارُ

2. The kingdom is in him and in his sons
As long as nights and days alternate.

٢. المُلكُ فيهِ وَفي بَنيهِ
ما اِختَلَفَ اللَيلُ وَالنَهارُ

3. For every matter he is hoped for and feared,
As though he were paradise and hellfire.

٣. يُرجى وَيُخشى لِكُلِّ أَمرٍ
كَأَنَّهُ جَنَّةٌ وَنارُ

4. His hands in generosity are two afflictions,
Both vie over him.

٤. يَداهُ في الجودِ ضَرَّتانِ
عَلَيهِ كِلتاهُما تَغارُ

5. The right hand did not come with anything
Except the left came with its like.

٥. لَم تَأتِ مِنهُ اليَمينُ شَيئاً
إِلّا أَتَت مِثلَهُ اليَسارُ