1. O clan of Mutayyam, do you know the news,
And how can something be concealed when it cannot be concealed?
١. بَني مُتَيَّمَ هَل تَدرونَ ما الخَبَرُ
وَكَيفَ يُستَرُ أَمرٌ لَيسَ يَستَتِرُ
2. I ask you, who is your father, O sons of fornicators
Scattered about, but stones are for the prostitute.
٢. حاجَيتُكُم مَن أَبوكُم يا بَني عُصَبٍ
شَتّى وَلكِنَّما لِلعاهِرِ الحَجَرُ
3. Your elder was an elder who had prestige,
But your mother, by God, was one to be blamed.
٣. قَد كانَ شَيخُكُمُ شَيخاً لَهُ خَطَرٌ
لكِنَّ أُمَّكُمُ في أَمرِها نَظَرُ
4. Your mother was not veiled from them, with guards and curtains around her.
She was a singer for the youths when they drank,
٤. وَلَم تَكُن أُمُّكُم وَاللَهُ يَكلَؤُها
مَحجوبَةً دونَها الحُرّاسُ وَالسُتُرُ
5. And she was not forbidden to them when they got drunk.
And his brothers were fools and jesters.
٥. كانَت مُغَنِّيَةَ الفِتيانِ إِن شَرِبوا
وَغَيرَ مَمنوعَةٍ مِنهُم إِذا سَكِروا
6. The elder could not disobey if they commanded.
They were chaste men, except in your homes,
٦. وَكانَ إِخوانُهُ غُرّاً غَطارِفَةً
لا يُمكِنُ الشَيخَ أَن يَعصي إِذا أَمَروا
7. For in the likes of them, chastity is removed.
So she became like pastures filled
٧. قَومٌ أَعِفّاءُ إِلّا في بُيوتِكُمُ
فَإِنَّ في مِثلِها قَد تُخلَعُ العُذُرُ
8. With every inseminator, her womb holding jewels.
Thus you came as a tribe from every side,
٨. فَأَصبَحَت كَمُراحِ الشَولِ حافِلَةً
مِن كُلِّ لاقِحَةٍ في بَطنِها دِرَرُ
9. A mixed breed, upon your necks lies old age.
One is Kisrawi in his features,
٩. فَجِئتُمُ عُصَباً مِن كُلِّ ناحِيَةٍ
نَوعاً مًخانيثَ في أَعناقِهِما الكَبَرُ
10. And another Qurashi when examined.
Your mother did not know who dropped his waist-wrap,
١٠. فَواحِدٌ كِسرَوِيٌ في قَراطِقِهِ
وَآخَرٌ قُرَشِيٌّ حينَ يُختَبَرُ
11. And who impregnated her with you, O filth!
A people who when traced back, have one mother,
١١. ما عِلمُ أُمِّكُمُ مَن حَلَّ مِئزَرَها
وَمَن رَماها بِكُم يا أَيُّها القَذَرُ
12. And God knows best the fathers when they are many.
You have not known slander except in your origins,
١٢. قَومٌ إِذا نُسِبوا فَالأُمُّ واحِدَةٌ
وَاللَهُ أَعلَمُ بِالآباءِ إِذ كَثُروا
13. While you are noble youths in pedigree.
I wanted to inform you that I know of your matter,
١٣. لَم تَعرِفوا الطَعنَ إِلّا في أَسافِلِكُم
وَأَنتُمُ في المَخازي فِتيَةٌ صُبُرُ
14. And the matter of others among your family.
You jest with the honors of the noble, while you
١٤. أَحبَبتُ إِعلامَكُم أَنّي بِأَمرِكُمُ
وَأَمرِ غَيرِكُمُ مِن أَهلِكُم خَبِرُ
15. And your lineage are not masters, O deaf ones!
This satire which will remain
١٥. تَفَكَّهونَ بِأَعراضِ الكِرامِ وَما
أَنتُم وَذِكرُكُمُ الساداتِ يا عُرَرُ
16. Upon your brows as long as trees grow leaves.
١٦. هذا الهِجاءُ الَّذي تَبقى مَياسِمُهُ
عَلى جِباهِكُمُ ما أَورَقَ الشَجَرُ