1. O Ahmad ibn Abi Du'ad, I sent
Spears and swords to you as an invitation
١. يا أَحمَدُ بنَ أَبي دُؤادٍ دَعوَةً
بَعَثَت إِلَيكَ جَنادِلاً وَحَديدا
2. What are these innovations you named
With ignorance - justice and monotheism?
٢. ما هذِهِ البِدَعُ الَّتي سَمَّيتَها
بِالجَهلِ مِنكَ العَدلَ وَالتَوحيدا
3. You corrupted the matter of religion when you took charge
And cast it with Abul Walid and the boy Walid
٣. أَفسَدتَ أَمرَ الدينِ حينَ وَليتَهُ
وَرَمَيتَهُ بِأَبي الوَليدِ وَليدا
4. Neither mature and meaningful nor elegant
Old nor newly praised
٤. لا مُحكَماً جَزلاً وَلا مُستَطرَفاً
كَهلاً وَلا مُستَحدَثاً مَحمودا
5. Evil when virtues and sublimity are mentioned
Speaking of insignificant matters, initiating and repeating
٥. شَرِهاً إِذا ذُكِرَ المَكارِمُ وَالعُلا
ذَكَرَ القَلايا مُبدِئاً وَمُعيدا
6. If only Rabi'ah and the sons of Iyad altogether
Were made into one nonsense and worthless page
٦. وَيَوَدُّ لَو مُسِخَت رَبيعَةُ كُلُّها
وَبَنو إِيادٍ صَحفَةً وَثَريدا
7. And when he sits pompously in gatherings, you likened him
To a hyena and likened his father's sons to monkeys
٧. وَإِذا تَرَبَّعَ في المجالسِ خلتَهُ
ضَبُعاً وخلتَ بني أبيهِ قرودا
8. And when he smiles laughing, you likened him
To the rising sun, hastening his drink gulped down
٨. وإذا تبسَّمَ ضاحِكاً شَبَّهتَهُ
شَرِقاً تَعَجَّلَ شُربَهُ مَزؤودا
9. No eye that saw those nostrils
And black lips awoke to any good
٩. لا أَصبَحَت بِالخَيرِ عَينٌ أَبصَرَت
تِلكَ المَناخِرَ وَالثَنايا السودا