
The worldly and the devout have won

قد فاز ذو الدنيا وذو الدين

1. The worldly and the devout have won
With the rule of al-Wathiq Harun

١. قَد فازَ ذو الدُنيا وَذو الدينِ
بِدَولَةِ الواثِقِ هارونِ

2. He has bestowed justice and grants
How good is the world with religion

٢. أَفاضَ مِن عَدلٍ وَمِن نائِلٍ
ما أَحسَنَ الدُنيا مَع الدينِ

3. And spread benevolence through his deeds
So people are submissive and docile

٣. وَعَمَّ بِالإِحسانِ مِن فِعلِهِ
فَالناسُ في خَفضٍ وَفي لينِ

4. How many pray for his permanence
And say Amen again and again

٤. ما أَكثَرَ الداعي لَهُ بِالبَقا
وَأَكثَرَ التالي بِآمينِ