
It would not harm him if he kept his promise

ما ضره لو وفي بما وعدا

1. It would not harm him if he kept his promise
Is not my experience with him as I expected?

١. ما ضَرَّهُ لَو وَفي بِما وَعَدا
أَلَيسَ وَجدي بِهِ كَما عَهِدا

2. Each day he gives me more hope
Yet my body decays despite it like a pillar

٢. في كُلِّ يَومٍ يَزيدُني أَمَلاً
وَالجِسمُ يَبلى بِخُلفِهِ كَمَدا

3. How many envious of me see him obedient to me
So God fulfilled the assumption of the envious

٣. كَم حاسِدٍ لي يَراهُ طَوعَ يَدي
فَحَقَّقَ اللَهُ ظَنَّ مَن حَسَدا