
We rode while the rain poured down

عجنا المطي ونحن تحت الحاجر

1. We rode while the rain poured down
Beneath overcast skies and showers

١. عُجنا المَطِيَّ وَنَحنُ تَحتَ الحاجِرِ
بَينَ الأَبارِقِ وَالسَبيلِ الغامِرِ

2. When suddenly a gazelle appeared
Her footsteps amid the grass were like those of a prowling lion

٢. وَإِذا بِداهِيَةٍ كَأَنَّ حَفيفَها
بَينَ الثُمامِ حَفيفُ لَيثٍ خادِرِ

3. Had she blew a breath into the dust
It would have flown like a bird takes flight

٣. صَمّاءَ لَو نَفَخَت ثَبيراً نَفخَةً
لِاِنساحَ أَو لَهَوى هُوِيَّ الطائِرِ

4. I called out to the beast and it responded
But found no help like that of a loyal ally

٤. فَدَعَوتُ وَحشاً فَاِستَجابَ فَلَم نَجِد
لِلأَمرِ عِزّاً مثلَ قُربِ الناصِرِ

5. As she charged at me, I struck her a blow
That left her features a fading circle

٥. وَسَمَت إِلَيَّ فَبادَرَتها ضَربَةٌ
تَرَكَت مَعالِمَها كَرَسمٍ دائِرِ