1. If I have sinned, I still have dignity
And truth cannot be dispelled by falsehood
١. إِن كانَ لي ذَنبٌ فَلي حُرمَةٌ
وَالحَقُّ لا يَدفَعُهُ الباطِلُ
2. My dignity is greater than my misstep
If I were to attain justice from you all
٢. وَحُرمَتي أَعظَمُ مِن زَلَّتي
لَو نالَني مِن عَدلِكُم نائِلُ
3. I have rights that are not unknown
The wise and the ignorant both know them
٣. وَلي حُقوقٌ غَيرُ مَجهولَةٍ
يَعرِفُها العاقِلُ وَالجاهِلُ
4. Every person has a doctrine
And people bear what the doer does
٤. وَكُلُّ إِنسانٍ لَهُ مَذهَبٌ
وَأَهلُ ما يَفعَلُهُ الفاعِلُ
5. The conduct of rulers is recorded
No unjust or just ruler can hide
٥. وَسيرَةُ الأَملاكِ مَنقولَةٌ
لا جائِرٌ يَخفى وَلا عادِلُ
6. You rushed what I feared from you
And what I hoped did not come
٦. وَقَد تَعَجَّلتَ الَّذي خِفتُهُ
مِنكَ وَلَم يَأتِ الَّذي آمُلُ