
My tears flow like blood if lament pours forth,

هريقا دما إن أنفذت عبرة تجري

1. My tears flow like blood if lament pours forth,
Patience refused, grief is too great for patience,

١. هريقا دماً إنْ أُنفِذَتْ عبرة تجري
أبى الصبر إنّ الرزء جلّ عن الصبرِ

2. My eyes will not freeze, weeping became beautiful,
And anguish is intense when the absent one is in the grave.

٢. ولا تجمدا عينيّ قد حسن البكا
وفرط الأسى فَقْدُ المغّيب في القمرِ

3. I have no patience anymore after Amr,
So I do not restrain my laments for others.

٣. لغيركما بالبث أن لست واقفا
من الصبرِ يوماً بعد عمرو على عذرِ

4. Peace and watering from the hand of God descend,
Upon a worn out body in a barren desert,

٤. سلام وسُقْيا من يد اللّه ثَرَّةٌ
على جسدِ بالٍ بلمّاعة قَفْرِ

5. Spirits roamed over it safely when it flowed,
Though they were sorrowful when it flowed as it flows.

٥. جَرَتْ فوقَهُ الأرواحُ أمناً لِجَرْيهِ
وقد كُنَّ حَسْرَى حينَ يَجْري كمَا تَجْري

6. Dew, clothing, forbearance and piety are gone,
Nothing remains after Amr but remembrance.

٦. تَوَلَّى النَّدَى والباسُ والحِلمُ والتقى
فلم يَبْقَ منها بعدَ عمرو سِوَى الذكرِ

7. If the days wear him away, they cannot wear away,
Deeds from him that do not vanish in narration.

٧. فإنْ تطوِهِ الأيامُ لا تَطو بَعْدَهُ
صنائعَ مِنْهُ لا تبيدُ على النّشرِ

8. When you meet him, you meet only honorable,
His honor protected, his wealth lavished.

٨. متى تَلقَهُ لا تلقَ إلاّ مُمَنّعاً
حِماهُ مَصُونَ العِرْضِ مُبْتَذَلَ الوَفْرِ

9. What place did his hands not bestow favor,
Upon its people, on land or sea?

٩. وأيُّ مَحَلٍّ لا لكفّيْهِ نِعْمةٌ
على أهلِهِ من أرضِ بَرٍّ ولا بَحْرِ

10. No two conditions arose except he was seen,
Riding those that capture, fighting those who flee.

١٠. وما اختلفتْ حالانِ إلاّ رأيتَهُ
رَكوبَ التي تَسْبي هَيُوبَ التي تُزري

11. Whoever had leaves and grass as his provisions,
Wanted no wealth but praise as provisions.

١١. ومن تكنِ الأوراقُ والتبرُ ذُخْرَهُ
فما كان غَيْرَ الحَمْدِ يَرغَبُ في ذُخرِ

12. Both his conditions, generosity wherever fate turned,
With the revolutions of time, in ease and hardship.

١٢. كِلاَ حاَلَتْيهِ الجودُ أنَّى تصرَّفَتْ
به دُوَلُ الأيامِ في العُسْرِ واليُسْرِ

13. No time were favors missing from his hands,
Assistance was added to him from the first light.

١٣. وما عُدِمَتْ يوماً لكفّيهِ أَنْعُمٌ
تُضافُ له منها عَوانُ إلى بكرِ

14. No feat of ability was attributed except to him,
No tongues spoke but they spoke of his superiority.

١٤. وما انتَسَبَتْ إلاّ إلَيْهِ صنيعةٌ
وما نَطَقَتْ إلاّ به ألسنُ الفَخْرِ

15. He saw a day pass, a night go by,
Without earning the path of gratitude.

١٥. يَرَى غبناً يَوْماً يمرُّ ولَيْلَةً
عليه ولم يكسبْ طريقاً من الشُّكَرِ

16. Eyes lower before his majesty,
In him is no arrogance, only grandeur.

١٦. تغضّ له الأبصار عند اجتلائه
وليس به إلاّ الجلالةُ من كِبْرِ

17. You see his public behavior is that of the pious,
His secret, if you examine the secret, more pious than the public.

١٧. تَرَى جَهْرَهُ جَهْرَ التقيّ وسِرُّهُ
إذا ما اختبرتَ السِّرَّ أتقى منَ الجهْرِ

18. No day came, no night passed,
Without him earning praise, his thoughts occupied.

١٨. ولم يَصْحُ من يَوْمٍ ولم يُمْسِ لَيْلَةً
بَغْيرِ اكتسابِ الحَمْدِ مُشتَغِلَ الفِكْرِ

19. His hands' favors spread to all people,
They covered him with tribulation and reward.

١٩. وكانت تعُمُّ الناسَ نَعماءُ كفّهِ
فعَمّوا عليهِ بالمُصيبةِ والأجرِ

20. The regions of the land grieved over his death,
Weeping over his death, from region to region.

٢٠. تناعاهُ أقطارُ البلادِ تَفَجّعاً
لِمصْرَعِهِ تَبْكيهِ قُطْراً إلى قُطْرِ

21. The belly of the earth felt intimate in his nearness,
It became gentle and submissive over him.

٢١. تباشَرَ بَطْنُ الأرضِ أُنْساً بقُرِبِهِ
وأضحتْ عليه وَهْي خاشعةُ الظُهرِ

22. The earth was not watered but with his sword,
When its horizons dried of rain.

٢٢. ولم تَكُ تُسقى الأرضُ إلاّ بسَيْبهِ
إذا ما جَفا أقطارَها سبلُ القَطْرِ

23. If want was born one day for his hands,
Affluence poured in every empty desert.

٢٣. إذا نَشَأتْ يوماً لكفّيهِ مُزْنَةٌ
أُدِيلَ الغِنَى في كلّ فجّ من القَفْرِ

24. God's mountain which was a fortress,
And honor for God's religion, fell, humbled over disbelief.

٢٤. هَوى جَبَلُ اللّهِ الذي كانَ مَعْقِلاً
وعزّاً لدينِ اللّهِ ذُلاًّ على الكُفْرِ

25. I wonder at the hands of fate, how they crept
To you, while between the eagle and eagle lies your house.

٢٥. عَجِبْتُ لأيدي الحَتْف كيفَ تَغَلْغَلَتْ
إليكَ وبينَ النّسْرِ بَيْتُك والنّسْرِ

26. You were not one to ignore an era over thorns,
Nor gentle over calamities against compulsion.

٢٦. وما كُنْتَ بالمُغْضِي لدهرٍ على القذى
ولا لَيّنٍ للحادثاتِ على القَسْرِ

27. If honor drove away the fates from a man,
No one would attain life to the age of white hair.

٢٧. ولو دَفَعَ العِزُّ الحِمامَ عن امرىءٍ
لما نال عمراً للحِمامِ شَبَا ظُفَرِ

28. Were not the causes of devastation obedient to his hands,
Clarifying which he would shoot, and which he would refrain?

٢٨. ألم تَكُ أسبابُ الرَّدَى طَوعَ كفّهِ
تُبينُ لصَرْفَي ما يَريشُ وما يَبْرِي

29. When the caller to might cried out, two banners marched before him,
Tied with victory and triumph.

٢٩. إذا صاح داعي الرَّوْعِ سارَ أمامَهُ
لواءانِ مَعْقودانِ بالفَتْحِ والنّصرِ

30. The resolve of his ferocity divided the lives of enemies,
With an Indian sword and a Syrian spear.

٣٠. يُقَاسمُ آجالَ العِدَى عزمُ بأسِهِ
بهندّيةٍ بيضٍ وخطّيَةٍ سُمْرِ

31. His sword did not strike except to protect the sanctity of religion,
He did not lead God's cavalry but to the border.

٣١. وما ذبّ إلاّ عن حمى الدين سيفُهُ
ولا قاد خيلَ اللّه إلاّ إلى ثغرِ

32. He made the fate drink the blood of his peace's enemies,
So fate drank what it had made his enemies drink.

٣٢. وقد كان يَقرِي الحَتْفَ أعداءَ سِلْمهِ
فأضحى قرى ما كان أعداءَهُ يَقْري

33. Abu Amr succeeded so we said, for us Amr
The rising of the full moon sufficed over the disappearance of the full moon.

٣٣. تولى أبو عمرو فقلنا لنا عمرو
كَفَانا طُلوعُ البدرِ غَيْبوبَةَ البدرِ

34. Abu Amr's life was synonymous with Amr, so when Amr died, Abu Amr died.
We feared only fate against him,

٣٤. وكَان أبو عمرو مُعَاراً حياتُهُ
بعمرو فلما ماتَ ماتَ أبو عمرو

35. Nothing feared for him from fate remained.
It eased my sorrow that he who lives after him,

٣٥. وكنّا عليه نحذرُ الدّهرَ وحدَهُ
فلم يَبْقَ ما يُخشَى عليه من الدَهرِ

36. Meets what he met, even if extended in years.
It eased my grief that I do not see anyone,

٣٦. وهَوّنَ وَجْدِي أنّ من عاش بَعدَهُ
يُلاقي الذي لاقى وإن مُدَّ في العمرِ

37. Of people but saddened over (Amr's) loss.
O Amr, after you we assaulted the nights,

٣٧. وهوّنَ وَجْدِي أنِّنِي لا أرَى امرءاً
من الناس إلاّ وهو مُغضٍ على وَتْرِ

38. After we praised the world through your breaking of backs.
I will reward you with gratitude what I live, and if I die,

٣٨. رَمَتْنَا الليالي فيكَ يا عمرو بَعْدَمَا
حَمِدْنَا بكَ الدّنيا بقاصمةِ الظهرِ

39. I will maintain praise of you remaining to the resurrection.
I will prefer my sorrow in you over composure,

٣٩. سأجْزِيك شكري ما حَييت فإن أمتْ
أُبقِّ ثناءً فيكَ يَبْقى إلى الحَشرِ

40. The flowing of tears, not crying and elegizing.
My fate cast me against you, O Amr, after

٤٠. وأُوثِرُ حُزني فيكَ دُونَ تجلّدي
وإسبالَ دَمْعٍ لا بكيء ولا نزرِ