1. O son of caliphs and son of all the blessed
The pillar of pillars, the foremost of branches
١. يابن الخلائف وابنَ كل مباركٍ
رأس الدعائم سابق الأغصانِ
2. Verily the Al-Ulajj have clapped against your cousin
And come to you against him with the greatest of lies
٢. إنّ العلوج على ابن عمك أصفقوا
فأتوك عنه بأعظم البهتانِ
3. They have defamed him with you as an oppressor
While they started with him the greatest of aggressions
٣. قرفوه عندك بالتعدي ظالماً
وهم ابتدوه بأعظم العدوانِ
4. They have reviled his honor which refined
While their own honor is most deserving of abasement
٤. شتموا له عِرضاً أغرَّ مهذَّبا
أعراضهم أولى بكلِّ هوانِ
5. And they attributed to him degraded bodies
While the Mother of the Two Arms and the Two Branches was created
٥. وسموا بأجسام إليه مهينةٍ
وُصِلَتْ بالأم أذرع وبنانِ
6. To extend the robe not to violate
The honor of the noble nor to extend the bridle
٦. خُلقت لمدِّ القَلْسِ لا لتناول
عِرضَ الشريف ولا لمدِّ عنانِ
7. They did not respect his kinship to you and thus refrain
Since they did not fear the sanctity of the Sultan
٧. لم يحفظوا قُرباه منك فينتهوا
إذ لم يهابوا حرمة السلطانِ
8. Would you humiliate an oppressed man whose grandfather was yours
So that thereby the Al-`Ulajj would be honored
٨. أيذلُّ مظلوما وجدّك جدّه
كيما يعزَّ بذله علجانِ
9. And the wretched of Karbala would gain his country
The humiliation of the cousin of the Caliph of the Merciful
٩. وينال أقلف كربلاء بلاده
ذُلَّ ابن عمِّ خليفة الرحمانِ
10. I seek refuge for you from that with which
The Al-Ulajj tyrannize over Adnan
١٠. إنّي أعيذك أن تنال بك التي
تطغى العلوج بها على عدنانِ