1. A gazelle saw his image in the water
So he raised his head to the sky
١. ظَبيٌ رَأى صورَتَهُ في الماءِ
فَرَفَعَ الرَأسَ إِلى السَماءِ
2. And said, "O Creator of this beauty
Adorn it with a necklace of precious pearls."
٢. وَقالَ يا خالِقَ هَذا الجيدِ
زِنهُ بِعِقدِ اللُؤلُؤِ النَضيدِ
3. The water replied eloquently,
"O gazelle, you ask for what you will not be granted.
٣. فَسَمِعَ الماءَ يَقولُ مُفصِحا
طَلَبتَ يا ذا الظَبيُ ما لَن تُمنَحا
4. He who gave you this beauty
Left no room for more handsomeness.
٤. إِنَّ الَّذي أَعطاكَ هَذا الجيدا
لَم يُبقِ في الحُسنِ لَهُ مَزيدا
5. If his beauty was bestowed on faces
No pearls would come out from the seas."
٥. لَو أَنَّ حُسنَهُ عَلى النُحورِ
لَم يُخرِجِ الدُرَّ مِنَ البُحور
6. So the gazelle was infatuated by the smooth talk
And it increased his yearning for the unattainable.
٦. فَاِفتَتَنَ الظَبيُ بِذي المَقالِ
وَزادَهُ شَوقاً إِلى اللآلي
7. His sickly mouth did not get it
So he lived an age wandering distraught.
٧. وَلَم يَنَلهُ فَمُهُ السَقيمُ
فَعاشَ دَهراً في الفَلا يَهيمُ
8. Until his lifetime was spent in passions
And avoiding the goodness of sleep and food.
٨. حَتّى تَقَضّى العُمرُ في الهُيامِ
وَهَجرِ طيبِ النَومِ وَالطَعامِ
9. Once he headed towards the water
To complain to it of his benefits and harm.
٩. فَسارَ نَحوَ الماءِ ذاتَ مَرَّه
يَشكو إِلَيهِ نَفعَهُ وَضَرَّه
10. While the two were talking
The monk's shepherd approached in the darkness.
١٠. وَبَينَما الجارانِ في الكَلام
أَقبَلَ راعي الدَيرِ في الظَلام
11. Following him walked a pig
With a necklace shining on its neck.
١١. يَتبَعُهُ حَيثُ مَشى خِنزيرُ
في جيدِهِ قِلادَةٌ تُنيرُ
12. The gazelle rushed weeping to the pig
And said, after recovering from the shock,
١٢. فَاِندَفَعَ الظَبيُ لِذاكَ يَبكي
وَقالَ مِن بَعدِ اِنجِلاءِ الشَك
13. "The ill of effort is nothing but going astray!
The ill of lifetime is nothing but wishes!
١٣. ما آفَةُ السَعيِ سِوى الضَلالِ
ما آفَةُ العُمرِ سِوى الآمالِ
14. If not for the judgment of the Almighty
The necklace would not have come to the pig."
١٤. لَولا قَضاءُ الملِكِ القَدير
لَما سَعى العِقدُ إِلى الخِنزير
15. So the water turned to the gazelle
And said, "The state of the old is the worst state.
١٥. فَاِلتَفَتَ الماءُ إِلى الغَزالِ
وَقالَ حالُ الشَيخِ شَرُّ حالِ
16. No wonder, years awakened him.
If only you had preserved the advice you kept for years."
١٦. لا عَجَبٌ إِنَّ السِنينَ موقِظَه
حَفِظتَ عُمراً لَو حَفِظتَ مَوعِظَه