
He braced himself for departure, but could not

تجلد للرحيل فما استطاعا

1. He braced himself for departure, but could not
Farewell, o paradise of the world, farewell

١. تَجَلَّدَ لِلرَحيلِ فَما اِستَطاعا
وَداعاً جَنَّةَ الدُنيا وَداعا

2. May the days reunite me, for I see
Life as separation and gathering

٢. عَسى الأَيّامُ تَجمَعُني فَإِنّي
أَرى العَيشَ اِفتِراقاً وَاِجتِماعا

3. Oh, if only the countries had hearts
As people's hearts break with yearning

٣. أَلا لَيتَ البِلادَ لَها قُلوبُ
كَما لِلناسِ تَنفَطِرُ اِلتِياعا

4. If only the parting made some hearts ache
And what separation did the next morning wreak

٤. وَلَيتَ لَدى فُروقٍ بَعضَ بَثّي
وَما فَعَلَ الفُراقُ غَداةَ راعا

5. By God, if my place knew
The minarets and citadels would speak

٥. أَما وَاللَهِ لَو عَلِمَت مَكاني
لَأَنطَقَتِ المَآذِنَ وَالقِلاعا

6. It contained the sailboats and the tall ships
When I docked them, it contained the meadows

٦. حَوَت رِقَّ القَواضِبِ وَالعَوالي
فَلَمّا ضُفتُها حَوَتِ اليَراعا

7. I asked my heart about those nights
Were they nights or were they moments?

٧. سَأَلتُ القَلبَ عَن تِلكَ اللَيالي
أَكُنُّ لَيالِياً أَم كُنَّ ساعا

8. My heart replied: "Nay, they passed quickly
Like my heartbeats when I remember them"

٨. فَقالَ القَلبُ بَل مَرَّت عِجالاً
كَدَقّاتي لِذِكراها سِراعا

9. The legacy of Muhammad and Jesus' heritage
You were pleased with both between them

٩. أَدارَ مُحَمَّدٍ وَتُراثُ عيسى
لَقَد رَضِياكِ بينَهُما مَشاعا

10. Did stubbornness in you make a people
Whom ignorance stretches contention between them

١٠. فَهَل نَبَذَ التَعصُّبُ فيكِ قَومٌ
يَمُدُّ الجَهلُ بَينَهُمُ النِزاعا

11. I see the Merciful fortified His two mosques
With the longest wall against you is defiance

١١. أَرى الرَحمَنَ حَصَّنَ مَسجِدَيهِ
بِأَطوَلِ حائِطٍ مِنكِ اِمتِناعا

12. You were a pillar for His embargoed House
And you were a ceiling for His Farthest House

١٢. فَكُنتِ لِبَيتِهِ المَحجوجِ رُكناً
وَكُنتِ لِبَيتِهِ الأَقصى سِطاعا

13. Your air and the gushing springs
Are enough of the world's possessions

١٣. هَواؤُكِ وَالعُيونُ مُفَجَّراتٌ
كَفى بِهِما مِنَ الدُنيا مَتاعا

14. Whenever your sun rises on the horizon
Life shimmers with its rays

١٤. وَشَمسُكِ كُلَّما طَلَعَت بِأُفقٍ
تَخَطَّرَتِ الحَياةُ بِهِ شُعاعا

15. And your beauties there above the earth are houris
Companions with no veils or masks

١٥. وَغيدُكِ هُنَّ فَوقَ الأَرضِ حورٌ
أَوانِسُ لا نِقابَ وَلا قِناعا

16. Around a cove of blazing flowers
Exalted is God in creation and innovation

١٦. حَوالى لُجَّةٍ مِن لازَوَردٍ
تَعالى اللَهُ خَلقاً وَاِبتِداعا

17. Their cove spirits the stream and rises
Onto Paradise, plateaus and dales

١٧. يَروحُ لُجَينُها الجاري وَيَغدو
عَلى الفِردَوسِ آكاماً وَقاعا