1. Today I ascend a pulpit by your grave
And adorn the elegy of you with gems
١. اليَومَ أَصعَدُ دونَ قَبرِكَ مِنبَرا
وَأُقَلِّدُ الدُنيا رِثاءَكَ جَوهَرا
2. And I recount from my poetry a book of virtues
Leading scholars have it inscribed
٢. وَأَقُصُّ مِن شِعري كِتابَ مَحاسِنٍ
تَتَقَدَّمُ العُلَماءَ فيهِ مُسَطَّرا
3. Mentioning your merit in Egypt and its people
Merit is inviolable so it must be mentioned
٣. ذِكراً لِفَضلِكَ عِندَ مِصرَ وَأَهلِها
وَالفَضلُ مِن حُرُماتِهِ أَن يُذكَرا
4. Knowledge alone does not raise ranks
Often deeds advance men and humiliate others
٤. العِلمُ لا يُعلي المَراتِبَ وَحدَهُ
كَم قَدَّمَ العَمَلُ الرِجالَ وَأَخَّرا
5. And knowledge is most like the sky, its men
Are mixed with clouds, rain-bearing and prolific
٥. وَالعِلمُ أَشبَهُ بِالسَماءِ رِجالُهُ
خُلِطَت جَهاماً في السَحابِ وَمُمطِرا
6. We circumambulated your grave and received a pillar
As if the Holy House, pure and sanctified
٦. طُفنا بِقَبرِكَ وَاِستَلَمنا جَندَلاً
كَالرُكنِ أَزكى وَالحَطيمِ مُطَهَّرا
7. Between reverence and humility as though
We greet the glorious sanctuary illuminated
٧. بَينَ التَشَرُّفِ وَالخُشوعِ كَأَنَّما
نَستَقبِلُ الحَرَمَ الشَريفَ مُنَوَّرا
8. If they equated you with shrouds and panels
They would have fortified you with wise mention
٨. لَو أَنصَفوكَ جَنادِلاً وَصَفائِحاً
جَعَلوكَ بِالذِكرِ الحَكيمِ مُسَوَّرا
9. O you whom time showed me sincere affection
While affection in the world is often contrived
٩. يا مَن أَراني الدَهرُ صِحَّةَ وُدِّهِ
وَالوُدُّ في الدُنيا حَديثٌ مُفتَرى
10. And I heard the narration of your noble manners
So it showed me your noble manners captured
١٠. وَسَمِعتُ بِالخُلُقِ العَظيمِ رِوايَةً
فَأَرانِيَ الخُلُقَ العَظيمَ مُصَوَّرا
11. What did you meet of long rest
While I meet in you agony and regret
١١. ماذا لَقيتَ مِنَ الرُقادِ وَطولِهِ
أَنا فيكَ أَلقى لَوعَةً وَتَحَسُّرا
12. You slept unafraid in a home
While time in it is shorter than a wink
١٢. نَم ما بَدا لَكَ آمِناً في مَنزِلٍ
الدَهرُ أَقصَرُ فيهِ مِن سِنَةِ الكَرى
13. You never ceased praising wakefulness and criticizing sleep
Until you met the most abundant sleep
١٣. ما زِلتَ في حَمدِ الفِراشِ وَذَمِّهِ
حَتّى لَقيتَ بِهِ الفِراشَ الأَوثَرا
14. Do not complain of its vermin
The creatures of mankind are uglier sights
١٤. لا تَشكُوَنَّ الضُرَّ مِن حَشَراتِهِ
حَشَراتُ هَذا الناسِ أَقبَحُ مَنظَرا
15. O chief of the club bearing its concerns
You left it honored beneath presidency
١٥. يا سَيِّدَ النادي وَحامِلَ هَمِّهِ
خَلَّفتَهُ تَحتَ الرَزِيَّةِ موقَرا
16. Your enemies testify how you stayed up for its glory
And rose seeking more, resolved
١٦. شَهِدَ الأَعادي كَم سَهِرتَ لِمَجدِهِ
وَغَدَوتَ في طَلَبِ المَزيدِ مُشَمِّرا
17. And how you were cautious of plots and repelled them
And cast off the aggression of suspicious minds
١٧. وَكَمِ اِتَّقَيتَ الكَيدَ وَاِستَدفَعتَهُ
وَرَمَيتَ عُدوانَ الظُنونِ فَأَقصَرا
18. And you remained, banning from the basin of youth
Until God recompensed you with abundance
١٨. وَلَبِثتَ عَن حَوضِ الشَبيبَةِ ذائِداً
حَتّى جَزاكَ اللَهُ عَنهُ الكَوثَرا
19. The youth of Egypt are humble at your grave
Possessing nothing but their flowing tears
١٩. شُبّانُ مِصرَ حِيالَ قَبرِكَ خُشَّعٌ
لا يَملِكونَ سِوى مَدامِعِهِم قِرى
20. Grief has gathered them into one
The passionate youth, lamenting
٢٠. جَمَعَ الأَسى لَكَ جَمعَهُم في واحِدٍ
كانَ الشَبابَ الواجِدَ المُستَعبِرا
21. Were it not for you they would not have known cooperation
In what gladdens or what ever marred
٢١. لَولاكَ ما عَرَفوا التَعاوُنَ بَينَهُم
فيما يَسُرُّ وَلا عَلى ما كَدَّرا
22. Wherever you glanced you saw around you from them
Traces of benevolence and fertile plantation
٢٢. حَيثُ اِلتَفَتَّ رَأَيتَ حَولَكَ مِنهُمُ
آثارَ إِحسانٍ وَغَرساً مُثمِرا
23. How much eloquence and wisdom you had in the country
While intellect amongst them is sold and bought
٢٣. كَم مَنطِقٍ لَكَ في البِلادِ وَحِكمَةٍ
وَالعَقلُ بَينَهُما يُباعُ وَيُشتَرى
24. You walk to the shacks to guide their people
Like the disciples guiding the villages
٢٤. تَمشي إِلى الأَكواخِ تُرشِدُ أَهلَها
مَشيَ الحَوارِيّينَ يَهدونَ القُرى
25. Humble before God among His servants
And God despises His arrogant servant
٢٥. مُتَواضِعاً لِلَّهِ بَينَ عِبادِهِ
وَاللَهُ يُبغِضُ عَبدَهُ المُتَكَبِّرا
26. Your soul never knew arrogance though often
Arrogance diminishes even the great
٢٦. لَم تَدرِ نَفسُكَ ما الغُرورُ وَطالَما
دَخَلَ الغُرورُ عَلى الكِبارِ فَصَغَّرا
27. In every direction you sketch an association
In it is the life of farming O brother if you but knew
٢٧. في كُلِّ ناحِيَةٍ تَخُطُّ نِقابَةً
فيها حَياةُ أَخي الزِراعَةِ لَو دَرى
28. It is your chemistry not the myths of Geber
Leaving the group with little, multiplying
٢٨. هِيَ كيمِياؤُكَ لا خُرافَةُ جابِرٍ
تَذَرُ المُقِلَّ مِنَ الجَماعَةِ مُكثِرا
29. And money bears no fruit unless
It meets with managing heads
٢٩. وَالمالُ لا تَجني ثِمارَ رُؤوسِهِ
حَتّى يُصيبَ مِنَ الرُؤوسِ مُدَبِّرا
30. And wealth makes a kingdom's position firmer
Its authority more precious and its image truer
٣٠. وَالمُلكُ بِالأَموالِ أَمنَعُ جانِباً
وَأَعَزُّ سُلطاناً وَأَصدَقُ مَظهَرا
31. We are in times whose people's frivolity
In their kingdom is like man inside his house of ants
٣١. إِنّا لَفي زَمَنٍ سِفاهُ شُعوبِهِ
في مُلكِهِم كَالمَرءِ في بَيتِ الكِرا
32. I ask who of the people of principles called
For commitment or gathered estranged hearts
٣٢. أَسِواكَ مِن أَهلِ المَبادِىءِ مَن دَعا
لِلجِدِّ أَو جَمَعَ القُلوبَ النُفَّرا
33. Death before you in the wilderness blew
Neither Moses the Trusted nor Jesus the Good
٣٣. المَوتُ قَبلَكَ في البَرِيَّةِ لَم يَهَب
طَهَ الأَمينُ وَلا يَسوعُ الخَيِّرا
34. When I was called I came to shed my tears
If I could, I would shed my eyelids into the soil
٣٤. لَمّا دُعيتُ أَتَيتُ أَنثُرُ مَدمَعي
وَلَوِ اِستَطَعتَ نَثَرتُ جَفني في الثَرى
35. I weep for your right hand in the dust, clouded
My chest an ocean and my heart a grove
٣٥. أَبكي يَمينَكَ في التُرابِ غَمامَةً
وَالصَدرَ بَحراً وَالفُؤادَ غَضَنفَرا
36. I was not stoic about you though I
Consoled about the well-regarded prince
٣٦. لَم أُعطَ عَنكَ تَصَبُّراً وَأَنا الَّذي
عَزَّيتُ فيكَ عَنِ الأَميرِ المَعشَرا
37. I appraise men and I have a shepherd who long
Shed praise on the generous gilded
٣٧. أَزِنُ الرِجالَ وَلي يَراعٌ طالَما
خَلَعَ الثَناءَ عَلى الكِرامِ مُحَبَّرا
38. Yesterday I sent the elegy gripped
Today I shout praise from the pulpit
٣٨. بِالأَمسِ أَرسَلتُ الرِثاءَ مُمَسَّكاً
وَاليَومَ أَهتِفُ بِالثَناءِ مُعَنبَرا
39. You changed me in sorrow and decay changed you
Though my passion refuses change within me
٣٩. غَيَّرتَني حُزناً وَغَيَّرَكَ البِلى
وَهَواكَ يَأبى في الفُؤادِ تَغَيُّرا
40. So keeping my vow is upon me until we meet
And upon you to observe it until we are gathered
٤٠. فَعَلَيَّ حِفظُ العَهدِ حَتّى نَلتَقي
وَعَلَيكَ أَن تَرعاهُ حَتّى نُحشَرا