1. The matter has ended well
With the blessing of Ibrahim, head of the family
١. الأَمرُ آل أَحسَنَ المآلِ
بِيُمنِ إِبراهيمَ رَأسِ الآلِ
2. A young man of chastity, argument and attainment
And a mine of morals and virtues
٢. فَتى العَفافِ وَالحجى وَالنائِلِ
وَمَعدِنِ الأَخلاقِ وَالفَضائِلِ
3. He called the villages to his cause and they responded
And embraced the call until it grew
٣. دَعى القرى لِأَمره فَلبّتِ
وَحضنَ الدَعوَةَ حَتّى شَبّتِ
4. And I do not say he died during it
But rather at its utmost growth
٤. وَماتَ لا أَقولُ في أَثنائِها
بَل وَهِيَ عِندَ مُنتَهى بِنائِها
5. It overtook him in his club of his people as prey
And game in his valley while he was the greatest game
٥. نالَته في ناديهِ لِلقَوم يَدُ
وَصِيدَ في وَاديهِ وَهُوَ الأَصيَدُ
6. He was thrown in prison and it became his grave
God caused him to die and brought his family to life
٦. أُلقِيَ في السجن فَكانَ حُفرَتَه
أَماته اللَه وَأَحيا أُسرَتَه
7. While the mourners were whispering about him
His brother was proclaimed by the callers
٧. بَينا بِهِ تَهامَسُ النُعاةُ
إِذ بِأَخيهِ هَتف الدُعاةُ
8. He was pledged allegiance in Kufa to the Shedder (of Blood)
During the heyday of the call and the struggle
٨. بويع في الكُوفة لِلسفّاحِ
في ثَبَج الدَعوة وَالكِفاحِ
9. He announced the death of his brother and his mother
And established the Hashimi state
٩. نَعى أَخاهُ وَنَعى أُمَيّه
وَقامَ بِالدَولة هاشِميّه
10. On a Friday witnessed by Arafat and Mina
Kufa became the place where the moon rises
١٠. في جُمعة مَشهودَةٍ هِيَ المُنى
هَشّ إِلَيها عَرَفاتُ وَمِنَى
11. Good fortune emerged over the armies through him
The eminent figures pledged allegiance to him there
١١. فَكانَتِ الكُوفَةُ مَبزَغَ القَمَر
قَد طَلَع السَعدُ بِهِ عَلى الزُمَر
12. And through him the Islamic state attained Ali
Abu Al-‘Abbas assumed the imamate
١٢. بُويعَ فيها النَفَرُ الأَعلامُ
وَنالَ عُليا الدُولِ الإِسلامُ
13. The son of Jula, of the blackened turban
A young man beside whom the youths pale
١٣. قامَ أَبو العَباس بِالإِمامه
ابن جلا المُسوَّد العَمامَه
14. Summoning to a kingdom, supporting a state
Like the full moon in its sky, but more beautiful
١٤. فَتى تَضاءَلُ الفُتِيُّ حَولَه
داعٍ لِمُلكٍ داعِمٌ لِدوله
15. If there were a full moon above the earth to complete it
Through him rule returned to the Four
١٥. كَالبَدر في سَمائه بَل أَجمَلُ
لَو كانَ فَوقَ الأَرض بَدرٌ يُكملُ
16. And authority gathered to him in four
The son of sustenance did not promise except truthfully
١٦. قَد رَجع الأَمر بِهِ لِلأَربعِ
وَاِجتَمَع الأَمر لَهُ في أَربَعِ
17. And did not find except submissiveness and generosity
Softer than vinegar but severest in cutting
١٧. إِبنُ الغَيوث لَم يَعِد إِلّا صَدق
وَلَم يَجُد إِلّا اِستَهَلّ وَغَدَق
18. Not knowing mercy when he cuts
There was a day between the two states
١٨. أَلينُ مِن صَمصامةٍ وَأَقطَعُ
لا يَعرِفُ الرَحمَةَ حِينَ يُقطَعُ
19. A people were mighty through him and a people humbled
The factions met with the factions
١٩. قَد كانَ بَينَ الدَولَتين يَومُ
عزّ بِهِ قَومٌ وَذَلَّ قَومُ
20. And the two hosts battled around the strait
A river the great matter revolved around
٢٠. التَقَتِ الأَحزابُ بِالأَحزابِ
وَاِقتَتَل الجَمعان حَولَ الزاب
21. The passing of a state and the arising of its state
Marwan was the most complete cavalry
٢١. نَهرٌ جَرى الأَمرُ العَظيمُ حَولَه
عُبور دَولَةٍ وَنَشأُ دَولَه
22. And Abdullah’s army the most loyal in the encounter
So God granted ample victory
٢٢. وَكانَ مَروان أَتمّ فَيَلقا
وَجُندُ عَبد اللَهِ أَوفى في اللُقا
23. And triumph to the son of the pure masters
The sun of the day did not set
٢٣. فَأَجزَل اللَه مِن الإِظهار
وَالنَصرِ لابن السادة الأَطهارِ
24. Until the sun of the Abbasids rose
They hoped like Joshua for the manifestation
٢٤. ما غَربت شَمسُ نَهار الباس
حَتّى بَدَت شَمسُ بَني العَباسِ
25. And victory before the disappearance of the illusion
So the intention was momentous
٢٥. هُم أَمّلوا كيوشعَ الإِداله
وَالنَصرَ قَبل غَيبة الغَزالَه
26. And the sun almost waited for them
The state of the Servant of the Sun repelled
٢٦. فَكانَت النيةُ ذات شَأنِ
وَكادَت الشَمس لَهُم تَستأني
27. And his days passed like the day before yesterday
Through Abd Shams, Abd al-Muttalib was victorious
٢٧. تَصرمت دَولة عَبدِ شَمسِ
وَدَبرت أَيامُهُم كَأمسِ
28. No match for the victorious except the defeated
So since the atmosphere emptied for Hashim’s sword
٢٨. بِعَبد شَمسٍ فازَ عَبدُ المطلِب
لا كفءَ لِلغالب إِلا مَن غُلِب
29. The storm winds of the aggressive tyrant blew
Violating sanctity by entering the house
٢٩. فَمُذ خَلا الجَوُّ لِسَيفِ هاشِم
هَبّ هَبوب المُستَبدِّ الغاشِم
30. Destroying the living and violating the dead
And violating graves though they are sacrosanct
٣٠. المستبيح في دُخول البَيتِ
هَلاكَ حَيٍّ وَاِنتِهاكَ مَيت
31. Leave the crime of the dead to the killer
The Umayyads' carpet was rolled up
٣١. فَهتك القُبورَ وَهِيَ حُرمه
مَن ماتَ فاِترُك لِلمَميت جُرمه
32. Replaced with sheets for them
And every crime has punishment befalling it
٣٢. وَمَنيت أُميةُ بِساطِ
أَبدلها النِطعَ مِن البِساطِ
33. Even if on descendants and later generations
Then the youthful conqueror passed away
٣٣. وَكُلّ جُرمٍ واقِعُ العِقاب
وَلَو عَلى الأَنسالِ وَالأَعقابِ
34. From a state of advancing reasons
The towns were thus devoid of life through him
٣٤. ثُمَ قَضى مُقتبِلَ الشَبابِ
عَن دَولة مُقبلِةِ الأَسباب
35. And he who gave them life died in Anbar
٣٥. فَفَقدت بِهِ القَرى حَياها
وَماتَ بِالأَنبار مَن أَحياها