1. A young man's pursuit of livelihood is worship,
With a guide leading him to happiness.
١. سَعيُ الفَتى في عَيشِهِ عِبادَه
وَقائِدٌ يَهديهِ لِلسَعادَه
2. For it is through pursuit that the universe functions,
And God is the best helper for those who make effort.
٢. لِأَنَّ بِالسَعيِ يَقومُ الكَونُ
وَاللَهُ لِلساعينَ نِعمَ العَونُ
3. So if you wish, here is a tale
That in this context is considered an ultimate goal:
٣. فَإِن تَشَأ فَهَذِهِ حِكايَه
تُعَدُّ في هَذا المَقامِ غايَه
4. There was an ant in a land working hard,
That never indulged in the pleasure of idleness.
٤. كانَت بِأَرضٍ نَملَةٌ تَنبالَه
لَم تَسلُ يَوماً لَذَّةَ البَطالَه
5. She was well-known among ants for asceticism,
And was characterized by detachment and mysticism.
٥. وَاِشتَهَرَت في النَملِ بِالتَقَشُّفِ
وَاِتَّصَفَت بِالزُهدِ وَالتَصَوُّفِ
6. But one who stays up at night suffering from hunger,
Cannot fill their stomach with prayer.
٦. لَكِن يَقومُ اللَيلَ مَن يَقتاتُ
فَالبَطنُ لا تَملُؤهُ الصَلاةُ
7. And ants are not motivated by love for her,
And my ant found the work too difficult to bear.
٧. وَالنَملُ لا يَسعى إِلَيهِ الحَبُّ
وَنَملَتي شَقَّ عَلَيها الدَأبُ
8. So she went out looking for sustenance,
And started wandering through homes.
٨. فَخَرَجَت إِلى اِلتِماسِ القوتِ
وَجَعَلَت تَطوفُ بِالبُيوتِ
9. Saying “Is there an ant who can host
One who bestows kindness on the loyal.”
٩. تَقولُ هَل مِن نَملَةٍ تَقِيَّه
تُنعِمُ بِالقوتِ لِذي الوَلِيَّه
10. I grew tired from much traveling around,
And for two nights now I have not glorified.
١٠. لَقَد عَيِيتُ بِالطَوى المُبَرِّحِ
وَمُنذُ لَيلَتَينِ لَم أسَبِّحِ
11. So the neighbors shouted “Oh what shame!
That an ant would beg from a locust!”
١١. فَصاحَتِ الجاراتُ يا لَلعارِ
لَم تتركِ النَملَةُ لِلصِرصارِ
12. When did we approve of behavior like this?
When did we extend a palm for begging?
١٢. مَتى رَضينا مِثلَ هَذي الحالِ
مَتى مَدَدنا الكَفَّ لِلسُؤالِ
13. For in the eyes of existence we are a nation
Renowned for the loftiness of our ambition.
١٣. وَنَحنُ في عَينِ الوُجودِ أُمَّه
ذاتُ اِشتِهارٍ بِعُلُوِّ الهِمَّه
14. We endure what would try the patience
Of a camel if it were a small ant.
١٤. نَحمِلُ ما يَصبِرُ الجِمالُ
عَن بَعضِهِ لَو أَنَّها نِمالُ
15. Did not the one whose words are right say:
“We have no answer for one who asks.”
١٥. أَلَم يَقُل مَن قَولُهُ الصَوابُ
ما عِندَنا لِسائِلٍ جَوابُ
16. So go on! For we, old unfortunate one,
See the height of detachment that you fast.
١٦. فَاِمضي فَإِنّا يا عَجوزَ الشومِ
نَرى كَمالَ الزُهدِ أَن تَصومي