1. It is the funeral of morals, so chant their eulogy
And take care of their family and comfort their bereavement
١. هو مأتم الأخلاق فاتل رثاءها
وتول أسرتها ووال عزاءها
2. Do not prevent the grieving women from crying
Perhaps in the shedding of tears is their healing
٢. لا تنهين الثاكلات عن البكا
فلعل في ذرف الدموع شفاءها
3. Leave affairs pouring complaint west of the poem
That did not sing the great calamity its elegy
٣. خل الشؤون تفض غرب قصيدة
لم تغن في الرزء الجليل غناءها
4. And for the likes of the agony of bereavement as it is intense
The Merciful created for us grievances and their consolation
٤. ولمثل نار الثكل وهي شديدة
خلق الرحيم لنا الشئون وماءها
5. He inspired inconsolable sorrow its youth
And to tears stars extinguishing them
٥. أوحى إلى الحزن اللجوج شُبوبها
وإلى الدموع سواكبا إطفاءها
6. A caller from Alexandria
Guardian of its land and its sky
٦. ناع من الاسكندرية هاتف
راع الكنانة أرضها وسماءها
7. Its hearings were blocked for the first instance
Avoiding the calamity fearing its news
٧. سُدّت مسامعها لأول وهلة
دون الرزية تتقى أنباءها
8. Alas, that is a destined message
That the life carried to death its dues
٨. هيهات تلك رسالة محتومة
حَملت عن الموت الحياةُ أداءها
9. In a world where its resident folds tent
And the fantasy of a vanishing world to whoever came to it
٩. في عالم شد الرحال نزيله
وخيال دنيا ذاهب من جاءها
10. Indeed, manliness lies in a pit
Like the night the light of righteous women illuminated it
١٠. إن المروءة غودرت في حفرة
كالليل نور الصالحات أضاءها
11. He went after the deceased a martyr
If you doubt so ask its martyrs
١١. ذهب على أثر الفقيد شهيدة
إن كنت في ريب فسل شهداءها
12. Those who lifted her bier to the sky
And pulled its shroud over the stars
١٢. الرافعين إلى السماء سريرها
والساحبين على النجوم رداءها
13. And carried its glory on shoulders
And brought down its loftiness to the soil
١٣. والحاملين على الرقاب جلالها
والمنزلين إلى التراب سناءها
14. They set the bier down to earth and hid
The moon of the sky, plugged its Pisces
١٤. حطوا على الأرض السرير وغيبوا
قمر السماء ووسدوا جوزاءها
15. The desert has been eternally entombed
And the most delightful in life forgot or recalled her wilderness
١٥. أموسَّد الصحراء م ابد الكرى
وأنس الحياة أو آذكر صحراءها
16. None was more beautiful in the dawn her mornings
And more pleasurable in the dusk’s shadow her evenings
١٦. ما كان أفتن في الشروق صباحها
وألذ في ظل الغروب مساءها
17. Do you see her like the past ones crying her shade
Under the soil and coveting her meadows
١٧. أتراك كالماضين تبكى ظلها
تحت التراب وتشتهى رمضاءها
18. You wish if her mirage returned to you
As well as her twitter and her howl and her long wailing
١٨. وتودّ لو ردّت عليك سرابها
وهجيرها وزئيرها وعواءها
19. She who neighbored the refuge of God from
The blame of life its plains and horizons
١٩. إن التي جاورت صان الله عن
لوم الحياة أديمها وفضاءها
20. The delegates stop at the pureness of her soil
Envy of souls, their hatred and hypocrisy
٢٠. يدع الوفود لدى طهور صعيدها
حسد النفوس وحقدها ورياءها
21. Oh Ahmed of graces, I am not reaching
Those traits, even if I touched her eulogy
٢١. يا أحمد الخيرات ما أنا بالغ
تلك الخلال وإن لمست رثاءها
22. Why do I not establish you as a beacon for the youth
And a path of good they walk its way
٢٢. لم لا أقيمك للشباب منارة
وسبيل خير يسلكون سواءها
23. I grieve every glorious past
And prolong the tale of its demise and cry over it
٢٣. إنى لأرثى كل خل ماجد
وأطيل ذكر خلله وبكاءها
24. And I like to recall it and hate to see
In the claws of time its decay and rubble
٢٤. وأحب ذكراه وأكره أن أرى
بيد السلو دثورها وعفاءها
25. And perhaps I adorned it with my poems
And made the verses of eternity its container
٢٥. ولربما حليتها بقصائدى
وجعلت أبيات الخلود وعاءها
26. In every lost one I eulogized a legend
To gift morals and the highbred its recitors
٢٦. في كل مفقود رثيت رواية
تهدى المكارم والعلا قرّاءها
27. Bid farewell to your friend if able to bid him farewell
And fulfil the rights if able their fulfilment
٢٧. ودِّع صديقك إن ملكت وداعه
واقض الحقوق إن استطعت قضاءها
28. And tend to friendship, do not tilt with its covenants
After the friend nor lay down its matters
٢٨. وأرع الصداقة لا تَمِيل بعهودها
بعد الصديق ولا تضع أشياءها
29. And if the devotion of your brother dies with his death
Then lament the loyalty of the soul and whimper over their brotherhood
٢٩. وإذا وداد أخيك مات بموته
فاندب وفاء النفس وأنعَ إخاءها
30. Gently, Abu Umar, with the souls of orphaned cubs
The aberrations of orphanhood have cut off from you their hope
٣٠. رفقا ابا عُمر بأنفس صبية
قطعت عوادى اليتم منك رجاءها
31. They called you but you withheld reply although so often
A house from the furthest countries called you
٣١. نادتك فامتنع الجواب وطالما
لبيت من أقصى البلاد نداءها
32. Your heart grew up infatuated with passion
And dearer than a soul that discarded its blemish
٣٢. نَشَأ أشد فؤادك في الهوى
وأعز من نفس لفظت ذَماءها
33. They tilted toward the bounties of life and its goodness
Until they went so they endured its worst
٣٣. مالوا على نعمى الحياة وطيبها
حتى ذهبت فصابروا ضرَّاءها
34. How much does a blamer blame them and you deflected him
While your soul pursues its stinginess and generosity
٣٤. كم لام فيهم لائم فدفعته
والنفس تتبع شحها وسخاءها
35. Look behind you, have you left from wealth
Except for chivalry, its mention and praise
٣٥. انظر وراءك هل تركت من الغنى
إلا المروءة ذكرها وثناءها
36. You have a duty that the just has not upheld
Will you not wish its righteousness and loyalty?
٣٦. لك ذمة لم ينصر الحق آمرؤ
ألا تمنى برها ووفاءها
37. You learned your position as a craft you gave life to
And dragged over heaps its dress
٣٧. علمت مكانك حرفة أنهضتها
وجررت فوق الفرقدين قباءها
38. You are her first children, you emulated
In their composure and chastity, her fathers
٣٨. أنتم بنوها الأوّلون حذوتمو
في حلمهم وعفافهم آباءها
39. You filled her with morals and she did not used to see
The morals of men nor sense her disgust
٣٩. ملئت بكم خُلُقا وكانت لا ترى
خلق الرجال ولا تحس إباءها
40. Oh Lord a day for advocacy I harbored hopes
In you for rights so you were their loyalty
٤٠. يا رب يوم للمحاماة احتمت
فيك الحقوق به فكنت وفاءها
41. In it you supported whomever turned had not found
Around him the world nor its aides
٤١. ناصرت فيه من تلفّت لم يجد
من حوله الدنيا ولا أُجراءها
42. And you took from the justice of the judiciary some youth
Who tasted its prisons, their torment and ordeal
٤٢. وأخذت من عدل القضاء لفتية
ذاقوا السجون عذابها وبلاءها
43. The soul of the generous sees justice as its party
And sees injustice and harm as its enemies
٤٣. نفس الكريم ترى العدالة حزبها
وترى الهضيمة والأذى أعداءها
44. And when you see the soul rise for truth
Then know its daring and shyness
٤٤. وإذا رأيت النفس بالحق اعتلت
فاعرف لها إقدامها وحياءها
45. In the duty of the generous nation a band
Did not forget in the intensity of struggle its ordeal
٤٥. في ذمة الوطن الكريم عصابة
لم ينس في جد الجهاد بلاءها
46. It carried the burdens of rights and mobilized
The people of men to carry their loads
٤٦. حملت تكاليف الحقوق وأنهضت
شعب الرجال ليحملوا أعباءها
47. It was, if the homelands called for a plan,
We did not count its loftiness nor its floods
٤٧. كانت إذا دعت الديار لخطة
لم نحص عِليتها ولا دهماءها
48. It is from the clear spring of truth the vanguard
That knew the throngs of oppressors, its light
٤٨. هي من قنا الحق المبين طليعة
عرفت جموع الظالمين مضاءها
49. The best vanguards marched in its light
The best battalions, its army and banner
٤٩. خير الطلائع سيرَّت في نورها
خيرَ الكتائب جندها ولواءها
50. You established and men built after you
Plans others will complete their building
٥٠. أسستموا وبنى رجال بعدكم
خططا يتمم آخرون بناءها
51. Rotating states and constant truth
The states of politics, how little their continuity
٥١. دول منقّلة وحق ثابت
دول السياسة ما أقل بقاءها
52. The advocates of the cause went by, aroused
And advocates came carrying their effort
٥٢. فمضى دعاة بالقضية نُهَّض
وأتى دعاة يحملون عناءها
53. They reached in their paces the constitution
Challenging Egypt because in it are her bloods
٥٣. بلغوا إلى الدستور في خطواتهم
تحدوه مصر لأن فيه دماءها
54. Determined to repay Egypt its duty of gratitude
To those who worked and not waste their recompense
٥٤. همم تؤدّى مصر واجب شكرها
للعاملين ولا تضيع جزاءها
55. And if the countries recall their servants
They do not forget their deceased nor their living
٥٥. وإذا البلاد تذكرت خدّامها
لم تنس موتاها ولا أحياءها
56. The being of nations is freedom
They live by it or they die paying its price
٥٦. إن الشعوب كيانها حرية
تحيا عليها أو تموت فداءها