
I saw in a garden a sparrow

رأيت في بعض الرياض قبره

1. I saw in a garden a sparrow
Training her fledgling on the top of a tree

١. رَأَيتُ في بَعضِ الرِياضِ قُبَّرَه
تُطَيِّرُ اِبنَها بِأَعلى الشَجَرَه

2. She was saying: "Oh beauty of the nest
Do not rely on the fragile wing

٢. وَهيَ تَقولُ يا جَمالَ العُشِّ
لا تَعتَمِد عَلى الجَناحِ الهَشِّ

3. Stand on a branch next to a branch
And do as I do when ascending

٣. وَقِف عَلى عودٍ بِجَنبِ عودِ
وَاِفعَل كَما أَفعَلُ في الصُعودِ

4. She moved from one art to another
And made for each move a time

٤. فَاِنتَقَلَت مِن فَنَنٍ إِلى فَنَن
وَجَعَلَت لِكُلِّ نَقلَةٍ زَمَن

5. So the chick may rest meanwhile
And not get tired of the air's weight

٥. كَي يَستَريحَ الفَرخُ في الأَثناءِ
فَلا يَمَلُّ ثِقَلَ الهَواءِ

6. But he disobeyed the signal
When he wanted to show cleverness

٦. لَكِنَّهُ قَد خَالَفَ الإِشارَه
لَمّا أَرادَ يُظهِرُ الشَطارَه

7. And flew in the sky until he rose high
His wing failed him so he fell

٧. وَطارَ في الفَضاءِ حَتّى اِرتَفَعا
فَخانَهُ جَناحُهُ فَوَقَعا

8. Both his knees broke right away
And he did not attain the height he wished

٨. فَاِنكَسَرَت في الحالِ رُكبَتاهُ
وَلَم يَنَل مِنَ العُلا مُناهُ

9. Had he been patient he'd have attained his wishes
And lived his whole life happy

٩. وَلَو تَأَنّى نالَ ما تَمَنّى
وَعاشَ طولَ عُمرِهِ مُهَنّا

10. Everything in life has its time
And the fate of the impatient is to miss out

١٠. لِكُلِّ شَيءٍ في الحَياةِ وَقتُهُ
وَغايَةُ المُستَعجِلينَ فَوتُهُ