
Arise in the mouth of life and vitalize the blossoms

قم في فم الدنيا وحي الأزهرا

1. Arise in the mouth of life and vitalize the blossoms,
And scatter upon the ear of time the gems,

١. قُم في فَمِ الدُنيا وَحَيِّ الأَزهَرا
وَاِنثُر عَلى سَمعِ الزَمانِ الجَوهَرا

2. And if you were to detail them, make the place of pearls
In praising him, the beads of the clear sky.

٢. وَاِجعَل مَكانَ الدُرِّ إِن فَصَّلتَهُ
في مَدحِهِ خَرَزَ السَماءِ النَيِّرا

3. And mention him with veneration after the two mosques,
Exalting the three mosques of God proclaiming His greatness,

٣. وَاِذكُرهُ بَعدَ المَسجِدَينِ مُعَظِّماً
لِمَساجِدِ اللَهِ الثَلاثَةِ مُكبِرا

4. And submit devotedly and fulfill the right of imams,
Who have blossomed through him flowers and sailed oceans.

٤. وَاِخشَع مَلِيّاً وَاِقضِ حَقَّ أَئِمَّةٍ
طَلَعوا بِهِ زُهراً وَماجوا أَبحُرا

5. They were more majestic than kings in their glory,
And mightier in authority and nobler in appearance.

٥. كانوا أَجَلَّ مِنَ المُلوكِ جَلالَةً
وَأَعَزَّ سُلطاناً وَأَفخَمَ مَظهَرا

6. The time of fears - their side
Was the sanctuary of security and their shade was thick.

٦. زَمَنُ المَخاوِفِ كانَ فيهِ جَنابُهُم
حَرَمَ الأَمانِ وَكانَ ظِلُّهُمُ الذَرا

7. From every sea in the Law abundant,
And manners show you the great, fresh and flowered.

٧. مِن كُلِّ بَحرٍ في الشَريعَةِ زاخِرٍ
وَيُريكَهُ الخُلُقُ العَظيمُ غَضَنفَرا

8. Do not emulate the footsteps of an infatuated gang
Who find every old thing abominable.

٨. لا تَحذُ حَذوَ عِصابَةٍ مَفتونَةٍ
يَجِدونَ كُلَّ قَديمِ شَيءٍ مُنكَرا

9. And if they could in the mosques, they would deny
Those of their forefathers who died or lived long.

٩. وَلَوِ اِستَطاعوا في المَجامِعِ أَنكَروا
مَن ماتَ مِن آبائِهِم أَو عُمِّرا

10. Disparaging everything old and demolishing it,
And if he moves forward to build, falls short.

١٠. مِن كُلِّ ماضٍ في القَديمِ وَهَدمِهِ
وَإِذا تَقَدَّمَ لِلبِنايَةِ قَصَّرا

11. And brings civilization industry base,
And knowledge scarce and rhetoric babbling.

١١. وَأَتى الحَضارَةَ بِالصِناعَةِ رَثَّةً
وَالعِلمِ نَزراً وَالبَيانِ مُثَرثِرا

12. O institution - the epochs have destroyed its wall
And its pillar has spanned ages and times.

١٢. يا مَعهَداً أَفنى القُرونَ جِدارُهُ
وَطَوى اللَيالِيَ رَكنُهُ وَالأَعصُرا

13. Its light has walked on the dry land of the East
And illuminated its dark and red night.

١٣. وَمَشى عَلى يَبَسِ المَشارِقِ نورُهُ
وَأَضاءَ أَبيَضَ لُجِّها وَالأَحمَرا

14. And time has come over it protecting a Sunnah
And guarding a ritual and preventing change.

١٤. وَأَتى الزَمانُ عَلَيهِ يَحمي سُنَّةً
وَيَذودُ عَن نُسُكٍ وَيَمنَعُ مَشعَرا

15. In the Fatimids its spring has affiliated -
Fresh, pristine, like their grandfather, flowing.

١٥. في الفاطِمِيّينَ اِنتَمى يَنبوعُهُ
عَذبَ الأُصولِ كَجَدِّهِم مُتَفَجِّرا

16. An eye of insight - its spout has overflowed
And a life of eloquence flowed and rolled.

١٦. عَينٌ مِنَ الفُرقانِ فاضَ نَميرُها
وَحياً مِنَ الفُصحى جَرى وَتَحَدَّرا

17. It does not hurt me that your horizon is not my sunrise,
And by its planets I have learned the hidden ways.

١٧. ما ضَرَّني أَن لَيسَ أُفقُكَ مَطلَعي
وَعَلى كَواكِبِهِ تَعَلَّمتُ السُرى

18. No, by Him who has entrusted eloquence to you, I have not
Fallen short of the aims of eloquence.

١٨. لا وَالَّذي وَكَلَ البَيانَ إِلَيكَ لَم
أَكُ دونَ غاياتِ البَيانِ مُقَصِّرا

19. When reform took place, you stood up congratulating
In the name of Hanifa - increasingly announcing good news.

١٩. لَمّا جَرى الإِصلاحُ قُمتَ مُهَنِّئاً
بِاِسمِ الحَنيفَةِ بِالمَزيدِ مُبَشِّرا

20. News spread - so it clothed the minaret in ink
And adorned the mosque and the pulpit sprang up.

٢٠. نَبَأٌ سَرى فَكَسا المَنارَةَ حَبرَةً
وَزَها المُصَلّى وَاِستَخَفَّ المِنبَرا

21. And it transcended with the corridors of guidance - so it lodged them Spirit of Sidra when it was in the essence of the soil.
And he walked to the study circles - so for him

٢١. وَسَما بِأَروِقَةِ الهُدى فَأَحَلَّها
فَرعَ الثُرَيّا وَهيَ في أَصلِ الثَرى

22. Circles burst like the halo of the sky, shining.
Until we thought Al-Shafi’i, Malik,

٢٢. وَمَشى إِلى الحَلَقاتِ فَاِنفَجَرَت لَهُ
حَلقاً كَهالاتِ السَماءِ مُنَوِّرا

23. Abu Hanifa and Ibn Hanbal were present.
Indeed, He who has made the old a station

٢٣. حَتّى ظَنَنّا الشافِعِيَّ وَمالِكاً
وَأَبا حَنيفَةِ وَاِبنَ حَنبَلِ حُضَّرا

24. Has made Al-Kanani the Blessed abundant.
Knowledge in him is springs and gifts

٢٤. إِنَّ الَّذي جَعَلَ العَتيقَ مَثابَةً
جَعَلَ الكِنانِيَّ المُبارَكَ كَوثَرا

25. To which disputes come seeking judgement.
O youth of civilization - your talk has walked

٢٥. العِلمُ فيهِ مَناهِلاً وَمَجانِياً
يَأتي لَهُ النُزّاعُ يَبغونَ القِرى

26. Calling out from the mouths of mounts and ambergris.
The Jerusalem school was its companion

٢٦. يا فِتيَةَ المَعمورِ سارَ حَديثُكُم
نَدّاً بِأَفواهِ الرِكابِ وَعَنبَرا

27. A pole around which the country revolved and an axis.
Its case was born on his pulpit

٢٧. المَعهَدُ القُدسِيُّ كانَ نَدِيُّهُ
قُطباً لِدائِرَةِ البِلادِ وَمِحوَرا

28. And it loved him as a child and grew under his press.
And it went ahead, arranging the rows, as if it

٢٨. وُلِدَت قَضِيَّتُها عَلى مِحرابِهِ
وَحَبَت بِهِ طِفلاً وَشَبَّت مُعصِرا

29. A commander, in its hand the banner triumphant.
Shake the villages from their caves and Scriptures -

٢٩. وَتَقَدَّمَت تُزجي الصُفوفَ كَأَنَّها
جاندَركُ في يَدِها اللِواءُ مُظَفَّرا

30. You are, by God, the sinews of the villages.
The heedless illiterate speaks in your presence

٣٠. هُزّوا القُرى مِن كَهفِها وَرَقيمِها
أَنتُم لَعَمرُ اللَهِ أَعصابُ القُرى

31. Repeating like a parrot, reiterating.
Spending his mornings and evenings in the commands of his religion,

٣١. الغافِلُ الأُمِّيُّ يَنطُقُ عِندَكُم
كَالبَبَّغاءِ مُرَدِّداً وَمُكَرِّرا

32. And affairs of his world - seeing clearly through you.
If you said, “Choose for deputy an ignorant one

٣٢. يُمسي وَيُصبِحُ في أَوامِرِ دينِهِ
وَأُمورِ دُنياهُ بِكُم مُستَبصِرا

33. Or for preaching a frivolous one,” he would choose.
Men were mentioned to him, so he damned a group of them

٣٣. لَو قُلتُمُ اِختَر لِلنِيابَةِ جاهِلاً
أَو لِلخَطابَةِ باقِلاً لَتَخَيَّرا

34. And excommunicated others and blasphemed.
Your fathers read to him and recited

٣٤. ذُكِرَ الرِجالُ لَهُ فَأَلَّهَ عُصبَةً
مِنهُم وَفَسَّقَ آخَرينَ وَكَفَّرا

35. Yesterday the forged history of men.
Until he turned away from Rome’s rubble

٣٥. آباؤُكُم قَرَأوا عَلَيهِ وَرَتَّلوا
بِالأَمسِ تاريخَ الرِجالِ مُزَوَّرا

36. And saw a Bedouin in processions a Caesar.
And he prayed for a creature and deified a perishable one,

٣٦. حَتّى تَلَفَّتَ عَن مَحاجِرِ رَومَةٍ
فَرَأى عُرابي في المَواكِبِ قَيصَرا

37. Regressing into the darkness of wretched eras.
And they took shelter under its shade

٣٧. وَدَعا لِمَخلوقٍ وَأَلَّهَ زائِلاً
وَاِرتَدَّ في ظُلَمِ العُصورِ القَهقَرى

38. A canopy more wobbly than twigs and greener.
Do not make it fancy and manners between you

٣٨. وَتَفَيَّئوا الدُستورَ تَحتَ ظِلالِهِ
كَنَفاً أَهَشَّ مِنَ الرِياضِ وَأَنضَرا

39. And a naked world for souls and merchandise.
Today matters have been clarified - so they have manifested

٣٩. لا تَجعَلوهُ هَوىً وَخُلقاً بَينَكُم
وَمَجَرَّ دُنيا لِلنُفوسِ وَمَتجَرا

40. What had been concealed of political deceit.
Opinion was that we remain one hand

٤٠. اليَومَ صَرَّحَتِ الأُمورُ فَأَظهَرَت
ما كانَ مِن خُدَعِ السِياسَةِ مُضمَرا

41. And see behind its armies England.
So if they bring us rows numerous,

٤١. قَد كانَ وَجهُ الرَأيِ أَن نَبقى يَداً
وَنَرى وَراءَ جُنودِها إِنكِلتِرا

42. We will come with one row they cannot break.
She became angry - so every stubborn one frowned

٤٢. فَإِذا أَتَتنا بِالصُفوفِ كَثيرَةً
جِئنا بِصَفٍّ واحِدٍ لَن يُكسَرا

43. Meeting you with a smooth cheek wrinkled.
You have not met a reform that is feared and you have not found

٤٣. غَضِبَت فَغَضَّ الطَرفَ كُلُّ مُكابِرٍ
يَلقاكَ بِالخَدِّ اللَطيمِ مُصَعَّرا

44. In any bloc what was more stubborn than a mule.
A fortune we hoped for good from its prosperity -

٤٤. لَم تَلقَ إِصلاحاً يُهابُ وَلَم تَجِد
مِن كُتلَةٍ ما كانَ أَعيا مِلنَرا

45. The separatist wreaked havoc in it until it declined.
The House of Deputies has prepared its steps

٤٥. حَظٌّ رَجَونا الخَيرَ مِن إِقبالِهِ
عاثَ المُفَرِّقُ فيهِ حَتّى أَدبَرا

46. So the wolves and worms may rise in degree.
The screaming when sanctity is violated,

٤٦. دارُ النِيابَةِ هَيَّأَت دَرَجاتُها
فَليَرقَ في الدَرَجِ الذَوائِبُ وَالذُرا

47. And the visitors when homes are raided.
Not the ignorant impotent, nor the coerced

٤٧. الصارِخونَ إِذا أُسيءَ إِلى الحِمى
وَالزائِرونَ إِذا أُغيرَ عَلى الشَرى

48. Walking in the gold of shackles arrogant.
Today matters clarified - so they revealed

٤٨. لا الجاهِلونَ العاجِزونَ وَلا الأُلى
يَمشونَ في ذَهَبِ القُيودِ تَبَختُرا