1. Stand in Rome and behold the matter and bear witness
That the King has a Sublime Owner
١. قِف بِروما وَشاهِدِ الأَمرَ وَاِشهَد
أَنَّ لِلمُلكِ مالِكاً سُبحانَه
2. A state in the earth and ruins of a kingdom
Time has demolished its lofty structure
٢. دَولَةٌ في الثَرى وَأَنقاضُ مُلكٍ
هَدَمَ الدَهرُ في العُلا بُنيانَه
3. Its crown was ripped by calamities and cast
In the dust where I see its turban
٣. مَزَّقَت تاجَهُ الخُطوبُ وَأَلقَت
في التُرابِ الَّذي أَرى صَولَجانَه
4. Ruins near a garbage dump near an imprint
Like a book whose title time has erased
٤. طَلَلٌ عِندَ دِمنَةٍ عِندَ رَسمٍ
كَكِتابٍ مَحا البِلى عُنوانَه
5. And statues as if realities augment
In clarity over the horizon and make it distinct
٥. وَتَماثيلُ كَالحَقائِقِ تَزدا
دُ وُضوحاً عَلى المَدى وَإِبّانَه
6. Whoever sees them says these are the kings
Of time, this is their dignity and composure
٦. مَن رَآها يَقولُ هَذي مُلوكُ
الدَهرِ هَذا وَقارُهُم وَالرَزانَه
7. And remnants of temples and palaces
Between the taking of dilapidation and the resistance of firmness
٧. وَبَقايا هَياكِلٍ وَقُصورٍ
بَينَ أَخذِ البِلى وَدَفعِ المَتانَه
8. Time has toyed with the clergy therein
And Belisarius did not bestow its purple
٨. عَبَثَ الدَهرُ بِالحَوارِيِّ فيها
وَبَيلَيوسَ لَم يَهَب أُرجُوانَه
9. And great events took place here
And time thereafter continued its course
٩. وَجَرَت هاهُنا أُمورٌ كِبارٌ
واصَلَ الدَهرُ بَعدَها جَرَيانَه
10. A religion went and a religion came and
The rule of a people declined and a king took its place
١٠. راحَ دينٌ وَجاءَ دينٌ وَوَلّى
مُلكُ قَومٍ وَحَلَّ مَلِكٌ مَكانَه
11. And those who amassed glory spilt
Blood of a despised people by preserving it
١١. وَالَّذي حَصَّلَ المُجِدّونَ إِهرا
قُ دِماءٍ خَليقَةٍ بِالصِيانَه
12. I wonder why people fight
Over the base world of temptation
١٢. لَيتَ شِعري إِلامَ يَقتَتِلُ النا
سُ عَلى ذي الدَنِيَّةِ الفَتّانَه
13. A land that was for Christians, fiefs
Became the throne of patriarchs and the seat of religion
١٣. بَلَدٌ كانَ لِلنَصارى قَتاداً
صارَ مُلكَ القُسوسِ عَرشُ الدِيانَه
14. And nations that erase Jesus' sign
Then exalt his glory in the wilderness
١٤. وَشُعوبٌ يَمحونَ آيَةَ عيسى
ثُمَّ يُعلونَ في البَرِيَّةِ شانَه
15. And they insult the Master of the Soul dead
And honour his shroud after him
١٥. وَيُهينونَ صاحِبَ الروحِ مَيتاً
وَيُعِزّونَ بَعدَهُ أَكفانَه
16. A topsy-turvy world and dreams of people
Competing in stupidity and wit
١٦. عالَمٌ قُلَّبٌ وَأَحلامُ خَلقٍ
تَتَبارى غَباوَةً وَفَطانَه
17. The vanity of legislation in laws and wisdom in ruling, passions and pardons
And no limit was surpassed, no dear belittled
١٧. رَومَةُ الزَهوِ في الشَرائِعِ وَالحِك
مَةِ في الحُكمِ وَالهَوى وَالمَجانَه
18. Nor despised disgraced in you
No tribe untouched by you considers it
١٨. وَالتَناهي فَما تَعَدّى عَزيزاً
فيكِ عِزٌّ وَلا مَهيناً مَهانَه
19. Its homeland, people in you become
Lords and your servants see multitudes as their boys
١٩. ما لِحَيٍّ لَم يُمسِ مِنكِ قَبيلٌ
أَو بِلادٌ يُعِدُّها أَوطانَه
20. Where is an eastern or western kingdom lofty
That the sun envies its sultan at dawn
٢٠. يُصبِحُ الناسُ فيكِ مَولى وَعَبداً
وَيَرى عَبدُكِ الوَرى غِلمانَه
21. Able to transform kingdoms into institutions and provide its vastness with helpers
Where is wealth whose collected land tax and subjects
٢١. أَينَ مُلكٌ في الشَرقِ وَالغَربِ عالٍ
تَحسُدُ الشَمسُ في الضُحى سُلطانَه
22. Are all treasurers while you are the treasury
Where are your nobles who tyrannized time
٢٢. قادِرٌ يَمسَخُ المَمالِكَ أَعما
لاً وَيُعطي وَسيعَها أَعوانَه
23. Until it made them taste its tyranny
Where is your judge whose mount it hosted
٢٣. أَينَ مالٌ جَبَيتِهِ وَرَعايا
كُلُّهُم خازِنٌ وَأَنتِ الخَزانَه
24. Where is your herald whose old age it respected
We have seen on you traces of sorrow
٢٤. أَينَ أَشرَافُكِ الَّذينَ طَغَوا في الدَه
رِ حَتّى أَذاقَهُم طُغيانَه
25. And from houses what you see are their griefs
Stop and ask time explicitly
٢٥. أَينَ قاضيكِ ما أَناخَ عَلَيهِ
أَينَ ناديكِ ما دَهى شَيخانَه
26. Did it let its morn pass twice
Indeed, He who separated creations into nations
٢٦. قَد رَأَينا عَلَيكِ آثارَ حُزنٍ
وَمِنَ الدورِ ما تَرى أَحزانَه
27. Made justice among them its scale
Shed your nights you have spent mourning
٢٧. اِقصِري وَاِسأَلي عَنِ الدَهرِ مِصراً
هَل قَضَت مَرَّتَينِ مِنهُ اللُبانَه
28. Rome's dominion shall not decline upon the earth
٢٨. إِنَّ مَن فَرَّقَ العِبادَ شُعوباً
جَعَلَ القِسطَ بَينَها ميزانَه
٢٩. هَبكِ أَفنَيتِ بِالحِدادِ اللَيالي
لَن تَرَدّى عَلى الوَرى رومانَه