1. When the Creator granted you the desert,
Does my poetry make you happy or make it happy?
١. أَعطى البَرِيَّةَ إِذ أَعطاكَ باريها
فَهَل يُهَنّيكَ شِعري أَم يُهَنّيها
2. You are the desert, so congratulate yourself, and it is you, so who
Ever called you one day to congratulate made the call to it.
٢. أَنتَ البَرِيَّةُ فَاِهنَأ وَهيَ أَنتَ فَمَن
دَعاكَ يَوماً لِتَهنا فَهوَ داعيها
3. It is the feast of the sky and the feast of the earth between them
It is the feast of creatures, far and near.
٣. عيدُ السَماءِ وَعيدُ الأَرضِ بَينَهُما
عيدُ الخَلائِقِ قاصيها وَدانيها
4. So may God bless her on the day of her birth,
And the day hopes are pinned on her by her hopers.
٤. فَبارَكَ اللَهُ فيها يَومَ مَولِدِها
وَيَومَ يَرجو بِها الآمالَ راجيها
5. And the day her little one shines around the Throne
Like a halo that adorned the world in its infants.
٥. وَيَومَ تُشرِقُ حَولَ العَرشِ صِبيَتُها
كَهالَةٍ زانَتِ الدُنيا دَراريها
6. Providence, when it beautified and promised
Never to stop and to let its hands be seen
٦. إِنَّ العِنايَةَ لَمّا جامَلَت وَعَدَت
أَلّا تَكُفَّ وَأَن تَترى أَياديها
7. With every nobleman it considers to be
Of its knights, if they drew their swords before its seer.
٧. بِكُلِّ عالٍ مِنَ الأَنجالِ تَحسَبُهُ
مِنَ الفَراقِدِ لَو هَشَّت لِرائيها
8. It keeps the covenant of the most faithful ancestor,
Of a snow-white faithful father in his high principles.
٨. يَقومُ بِالعَهدِ عَن أَوفى الجُدودِ بِهِ
عَن والِدٍ أَبلَجِ الذِمّاتِ عاليها
9. And it takes the glory from Egypt and its lord,
From the exalted party of its loyalists.
٩. وَيَأخُذُ المَجدَ عَن مِصرٍ وَصاحِبِها
عَنِ السَراةِ الأَعالي مِن مَواليها
10. Those standing on its chair of joy,
And grasping its crown of glories.
١٠. الناهِضينَ عَلى كُرسِيِّ سُؤدُدِها
وَالقابِضينَ عَلى تاجَي مَعاليها
11. And those staying awake over the Nile, its guard,
Its cup, its wine servant, and its cupbearer.
١١. وَالساهِرينَ عَلى النيلِ الحَفِيِّ بِها
وَكَأسها وَحُمَيّاها وَساقَيها
12. My Master, it behooves the soul to give its good news
For what you were granted and to present its congratulations.
١٢. مَولايَ لِلنَفسِ أَن تُبدي بَشائِرَها
بِما رُزِقتَ وَأَن تَهدي تَهانيها
13. The sun is but a sphere, even the Twins but a station,
Even the Pleiades, even the world and what is in it.
١٣. الشَمسُ قَدراً بَلِ الجَوزاءُ مَنزِلَةً
بَلِ الثُرَيّا بَلِ الدُنيا وَما فيها
14. The mother of boys, when the homelands need
A determined, wise, or even a lesser protector.
١٤. أُمُّ البَنينَ إِذا الأَوطانُ أَعوَزَها
مُدَبِّرٌ حازِمٌ أَو قَلَّ حاميها
15. Of females, it has nothing save that time is its slave
And that scholars are the servants of its club.
١٥. مِنَ الإِناثِ سِوى أَنَّ الزَمانَ لَها
عَبدٌ وَأَنَّ المَلا خُدّامُ ناديها
16. And that she is the secret of Abbas and his daughter
She is the outstanding quality I will not name.
١٦. وَأَنَّها سِرُّ عَبّاسٍ وَبِضعَتُهُ
فَهيَ الفَضيلَةُ مالي لا أُسَمّيها
17. Most cherished, the age greets peace through it
And the land shines however much its nights.
١٧. أَغَرُّ يَستَقبِلُ العَصرُ السَلامَ بِهِ
وَتُشرِقُ الأَرضُ ما شاءَت لَياليها
18. High on the dais between the seated around it
Are its superior, highest glories.
١٨. عالي الأَريكَةِ بَينَ الجالِسينَ لَهُ
مِنَ المَفاخِرِ عاليها وَغاليها
19. Abbas, live for souls who long for you
And you are each wish of its confidantes.
١٩. عَبّاسُ عِش لِنُفوسٍ أَنتَ طِلبَتُها
وَأَنتَ كُلُّ مُرادٍ مِن تَناجيها
20. It shows hope and calls it to answer truly,
And God is most true to His promise and suffices it.
٢٠. تُبدي الرَجاءَ وَتَدعوهُ لِيَصدُقَها
وَاللَهُ أَصدَقُ وَعداً وَهوَ كافيها