1. The beauty of kings went hunting, generously
And the door of God circumambulated my door
١. زين الملوك الصيد مر بزينتي
كرما وباب الله طاف ببابي
2. O night of power which you have reached
After today there is no more suspicion in you
٢. يا ليلة القدر التي بلغتها
ما فيك بعد اليوم من مرتاب
3. I was not worthy of attaining this
But the breaths of Ahmed are beyond all reckoning
٣. ما كنت أهلا للنوال وإنما
نفحات أحمد فوق كل حساب
4. When on the night of his praise I attained my request
Kings sent gifts to honor me
٤. لما بلغت السؤل ليلة مدحه
بعث الملوك يعظمون جنابي
5. Two full moons in the sky illuminated
And his brother on earth, the light of my sanctuary
٥. بدران بدر في السماء منوّر
وأخوه فوق الأرض نور رحابي
6. This is the son of Haani, who attained what I attained
Sufficient to be guided to the most noble
٦. هاذ ابن هانئ نال ما قد نلت من
حسب نُدل به على الأحساب
7. He used to strive at the door of the Rightly Guided
So the Rightly Guided strove toward him while he was at his door
٧. قد كان يسعى للرشيد ببابه
فسعى الرشيد إليه وهو بباب