
You have a car to drive

لكم في الخط سياره

1. You have a car to drive,
The talk of the neighbor and neighbor's wife,

١. لَكُم في الخَطِّ سَيّارَه
حَديثُ الجارِ وَالجارَه

2. The Overland forewarns you
As the consul sets up a fuss,

٢. أَوفَرلاندُ يُنَبّيكَ
بِها القُنصُلُ طَمّارَه

3. Like Charlotte's car
Mighty on the road,

٣. كَسَيّارَةِ شارلوت
عَلى السَواقِ جَبّارَه

4. When she moves it tilts
Collapsing on both sides,

٤. إِذا حَرَّكَها مالَت
عَلى الجَنبَينِ مُنهارَه

5. And it sometimes grieves
Walking alone sadly,

٥. وَقَد تَحزُنُ أَحياناً
وَتَمشي وَحدَها تارَه

6. No eye satisfies it
With spewing gasoline,

٦. وَلا تُشبِعُها عَينٌ
مِنَ البِنزينِ فَوّارَه

7. Nor is it sated with oil
Though the rats swarm over it,

٧. وَلا تُروى مِنَ الزَيتِ
وَإِن عامَت بِهِ الفارَه

8. It sees the street in panic
When it appears from the alley,

٨. تَرى الشارِعَ في ذُعرٍ
إِذا لاحَت مِنَ الحارَه

9. And boys screaming
As if they have seen a plane,

٩. وَصِبياناً يَضِجّونَ
كَما يَلقَونَ طَيّارَه

10. With a horn in its front
And drums in the rear,

١٠. وَفي مَقدَمِها بوقٌ
وَفي المُؤخِرِ زَمّارَه

11. It may walk when it wishes
And turns back at its own pace,

١١. فَقَد تَمشي مَتى شاءَت
وَقَد تَرجِعُ مُختارَه

12. God has ordained the roads
To make it a house,

١٢. قَضى اللَهُ عَلى السَوّا
قِ أَن يَجعَلَها دارَه

13. To spend the day in
And meet the night however late,

١٣. يُقَضّي يَومَهُ فيها
وَيَلقى اللَيلَ ما زارَه

14. The life of horses, O Maxey
Is like the deceitful world,

١٤. أَدُنيا الخَيلِ يا مَكسي
كَدُنيا الناسِ غَدّارَه

15. Time has changed you
From rise to set,

١٥. لَقَد بَدَّلَكَ الدَهرُ
مِنَ الإِقبالِ إِدبارَه

16. So patience, O boy of horses
The soul of the free is patient,

١٦. فَصَبراً يا فَتى الخَيلِ
فَنَفسُ الحُرِّ صَبّارَه

17. Is Mehjoob who rightly
Asked about you with pottery,

١٧. أَحَقٌّ أَنَّ مَحجوباً
سَلا عَنكَ بِفَخّارَه

18. And who sold the piebald horse
With the ragged Overland?

١٨. وَباعَ الأَبلَقَ الحُرَّ
بِأَوفَرلاند نَعّارَه

19. And did not know its merit
Nor appreciated its traces,

١٩. وَلَم يَعرِف لَهُ الفَضلَ
وَلا قَدَّرَ آثارَه

20. He chose barren land for you
While you wouldn't choose it,

٢٠. قَدِ اِختارَ لَكَ الشَلحَ
وَما كُنتَ لِتَختارَه

21. So ask him what barren land is
Maybe he tells you its news,

٢١. فَسَلهُ ما هُوَ الشَلحُ
عَسى يُنبيكَ أَخبارَه

22. As if you didn't carry the flag
On the day of panic and fighters,

٢٢. كَأَن لَم تَحمِلِ الرّا
يَةَ يَومَ الرَوعِ وَالشارَه

23. And didn't ride unto dread
And charge at the cave,

٢٣. وَلَم تَركَب إِلى الهَولِ
وَلَم تَحمِل عَلى الغارَه

24. And didn't care for my wounds
Of the young insistent lookers,

٢٤. وَلَم تَعطِف عَلى جَرحى
مِنَ الصِبيَةِ نَظّارَه

25. So beaten with machine guns
And defeated with traitors,

٢٥. فَمَضروبٌ بِرَشّاشٍ
وَمَقلوبٌ بِغَدّارَه

26. No, by God, you didn't trouble
Mehjoob nor the wilderness,

٢٦. وَلا وَاللَهِ ما كَلَّف
تَ مَحجوباً وَلا بارَه

27. So you don't know alfalfa
Nor recognize clover,

٢٧. فَلا البِرسيمُ تَدريهِ
وَلا تَعرِف نَوّارَه

28. You may get satisfied with flakes
When you regret fumigators,

٢٨. وَقَد تَروى عَلى صُلتٍ
إِذا نادَمتَ سُمّارَه

29. And get drunk from lies
On the freezer's shelf,

٢٩. وَقَد تَسكَرُ مِن خَودٍ
عَلى الإِفريزِ مِعقارَه

30. And you may get filled, O son of night,
From the singing of a guitar,

٣٠. وَقَد تَشبَعُ يا اِبنَ اللَي
لِ مِن رَنَّةِ قيثارَه

31. May God who guided
Yusuf to a car,

٣١. عَسى اللَهُ الَّذي ساقَ
إِلى يوسُفَ سَيّارَه

32. There was a great world behind them
For him on earth,

٣٢. فَكانَت خَلفَهُم دُنيا
لَهُ في الأَرضِ كِبارَه

33. Make you a gentle groom
And son of a gentle groomer,

٣٣. يُهَيِّ لَكَ هَوّاراً
كَريماً وَاِبنَ هَوّارَه

34. For luck is fickle
And the world a spinner.

٣٤. فَإِنَّ الحَظَّ جَوّالٌ
وَإِنَّ الأَرضَ دَوّارَه