1. They bid farewell to the sun and leaned on its morning glow
And the East bowed over it, crying
١. شَيَّعوا الشَمسَ وَمالوا بِضُحاها
وَاِنحَنى الشَرقُ عَلَيها فَبَكاها
2. I wish I were among the caravan when it set
Joshua's desire stirred and he called it back
٢. لَيتَني في الرَكبِ لَمّا أَفَلَت
يوشَعٌ هَمَّت فَنادى فَثَناها
3. The dawn clothed its day in blackness
As if the earth had not shed its darkness
٣. جَلَّلَ الصُبحَ سَواداً يَومُها
فَكَأَنَّ الأَرضَ لَم تَخلَع دُجاها
4. Look, they meet it with an afterglow
From the wounds of victims and their blood
٤. اِنظُروا تَلقَوا عَلَيها شَفَقاً
مِن جِراحاتِ الضَحايا وَدِماها
5. And you see before it a tear
From a martyr whose roses drip their scent
٥. وَتَرَوا بَينَ يَدَيها عَبرَةً
مِن شَهيدٍ يَقطُرُ الوَردَ شَذاها
6. The Truth gave tidings to its victims through it
And awakened even the dead with its call
٦. آذَنَ الحَقُّ ضَحاياها بِها
وَيحَهُ حَتّى إِلى المَوتى نَعاها
7. They shrouded it a free Alawite
Having clothed death with majesty and honor
٧. كَفَّنوها حُرَّةً عُلوِيَّةً
كَسَتِ المَوتَ جَلالاً وَكَساها
8. Except for guidance, Egypt gained nought from its shroud
The flesh of the shroud is truth and its warp
٨. مِصرُ في أَكفانِها إِلّا الهُدى
لُحمَةُ الأَكفانِ حَقٌّ وَسُداها
9. The bier passed over the ground bearing it
Eyes peered into the bier scanning its height
٩. خَطَرَ النَعشُ عَلى الأَرضِ بِها
يَحسِرُ الأَبصارَ في النَعشِ سَناها
10. Ask Safita about her weddings
Did the announcer walk through it and erase it?
١٠. جاءَها الحَقُّ وَمِن عادَتِها
تُؤثِرُ الحَقَّ سَبيلاً وَاِتِّجاها
11. It disturbed the holidaymaker from his chatter
And vanished from the riverbank and its sediment
١١. ما دَرَت مِصرٌ بِدَفنٍ صُبِّحَت
أَم عَلى البَعثِ أَفاقَت مِن كَراها
12. At night it opened the doors of its monastery
And the bells established their allegiance to it
١٢. صَرَخَت تَحسَبُها بِنتَ الشَرى
طَلَبَت مِن مِخلَبِ المَوتِ أَباها
13. Lightning split the gloom unfolding it
The land of Syria and folding its sky
١٣. وَكَأَنَّ الناسَ لَمّا نَسَلوا
شُعَبُ السَيلِ طَغَت في مُلتَقاها
14. Bearing the news creeping sadly
Like bereavement processions in the heat of their wake
١٤. وَضَعوا الراحَ عَلى النَعشِ كَما
يَلمَسونَ الرُكنَ فَاِرتَدَّت نَزاها
15. Doubt assaulted her and she wavered
Whispering into ears and lips
١٥. خَفَضوا في يَومِ سَعدٍ هامَهُم
وَبِسَعدٍ رَفَعوا أَمسِ الجِباها
16. I said: O people gather your dreams
Each soul in its veins denies them
١٦. سائِلوا زَحلَةً عَن أَعراسِها
هَل مَشى الناعي عَلَيها فَمَحاها
17. O enemy of captivity, no specter smiled at him
In a blueprint unless he consented to it
١٧. عَطَّلَ المُصطافَ مِن سُمّارِهِ
وَجَلا عَن ضِفَّةِ الوادي دُماها
18. Your tether will not chafe from the captivity
That wandered the slave-market and covenanted with it
١٨. فَتَحَ الأَبوابَ لَيلاً دَيرُها
وَإِلى الناقوسِ قامَت بيعَتاها
19. The messengers descended upon him and the feet
Of the noble stumbled over it and pardoned it
١٩. صَدَعَ البَرقُ الدُجى تَنشُرُهُ
أَرضُ سورِيّا وَتَطويهِ سَماها
20. O remains like the basil of dawn
Which Eden crowned the zeal of its creatures
٢٠. يَحمِلُ الأَنباءَ تَسري موهِناً
كَعَوادي الثُكلِ في حَرِّ سُراها
21. And remnants of a temple of generosity
And life that the land cultivated its vitality
٢١. عَرَضَ الشَكُّ لَها فَاِضطَرَبَت
تَطَأُ الآذانَ هَمساً وَالشِفاها
22. Justice bid farewell to its emblems through it
And the systems of consultation wept their counsel
٢٢. قُلتُ يا قَومُ اِجمَعوا أَحلامَكُم
كُلُّ نَفسٍ في وَريدَيها رَداها
23. It embraced your funeral bier and huddled around it
A flag you ransomed from indignity
٢٣. يا عَدُوَّ القَيدِ لَم يَلمَح لَهُ
شَبَحاً في خُطَّةٍ إِلّا أَباها
24. It embraced the breast that embraced it
And warded off the arrow from it and protected it
٢٤. لا يَضِق ذَرعُكَ بِالقَيدِ الَّذي
حَزَّ في سوقِ الأَوالي وَبَراها
25. My wonder at it and its leader
How does an unarmed elder protect its sanctuary
٢٥. وَقَعَ الرُسلُ عَلَيهِ وَاِلتَوَت
أَرجُلُ الأَحرارِ فيهِ فَعَفاها
26. The pulpit of the river collapsed
From bereaving it, its dowels withered from its habitation
٢٦. يا رُفاتاً مِثلَ رَيحانِ الضُحى
كَلَّلَت عَدنٌ بِها هامَ رُباها
27. Who shot the horseman off his steed
And stunned rhetoric into silence
٢٧. وَبَقايا هَيكَلٍ مِن كَرمٍ
وَحَياةٍ أَترَعَ الأَرضَ حَياها
28. Fate writhed in cities twisting them
And stunned mountains with what stunned them
٢٨. وَدَّعَ العَدلُ بِها أَعلامَهُ
وَبَكَت أَنظِمَةُ الشورى صُواها
29. It seized Bostra and ruined a clan
That touched the death rattle with its hand
٢٩. حَضَنَت نَعشَكَ وَاِلتَفَّت بِهِ
رايَةٌ كُنتَ مِنَ الذُلِّ فِداها
30. The chalice circulated among the tribes
From the wine of patriotism it imbibed
٣٠. ضَمَّتِ الصَدرَ الَّذي قَد ضَمَّها
وَتَلَقّى السَهمَ عَنها فَوَقاها
31. It distracted its minarets from a captivating lute
A mellifluous and sublimely adroit chord
٣١. عَجَبي مِنها وَمِن قائِدِها
كَيفَ يَحمي الأَعزَلُ الشَيخُ حِماها
32. The spirit of its nation swooned over it
And an ear that loved it with both ears
٣٢. مِنبَرُ الوادي ذَوَت أَعوادُهُ
مِن أَواسيها وَجَفَّت مِن ذُراها
33. Every day a spiritual sermon
Like psalms and the melodies of its diction
٣٣. مَن رَمى الفارِسَ عَن صَهوَتِها
وَدَها الفُصحى بِما أَلجَمَ فاها
34. It deluded Egypt even if in it
Were horsemen that deluded the desolate ranges
٣٤. قَدَرٌ بِالمُدنِ أَلوى وَالقُرى
وَدَها الأَجبالَ مِنهُ ما دَهاها
35. Guardian of the Fount of Truth and defender of its basin
Destiny unleashed its edicts against it
٣٥. غالَ بَسطورا وَأَردى عُصبَةً
لَمَسَت جُرثومَةَ المَوتِ يَداها
36. It took Saad from the house a hand
That seizes lions from the origin of their burrows
٣٦. طافَتِ الكَأسُ بِساقي أُمَّةٍ
مِن رَحيقِ الوَطَنِيّاتِ سَقاها
37. Had it struck other than one with a soul it would not
Have been safe from it, neither peak nor dale
٣٧. عَطِلَت آذانُها مِن وَتَرٍ
ساحِرٍ رَنَّ مَلِيّاً فَشَجاها
38. It defies medicine with its glove
The malady of fate that frustrated its cure
٣٨. أَرغُنٌ هامَ بِهِ وِجدانُها
وَأَذانٌ عَشِقَتهُ أُذُناها
39. From behind the ear it obtained an affliction
That his peers attained only through prestige
٣٩. كُلَّ يَومٍ خُطبَةٌ روحِيَّةٌ
كَالمَزاميرِ وَأَنغامِ لُغاها
40. It did not square with the frankest of souls
Neither hand, nor tongue, nor repose, nor vigilance
٤٠. دَلَّهَت مِصراً وَلَو أَنَّ بِها
فَلَواتٍ دَلَّهَت وَحشَ فَلاها
41. These planks from Adam neither revealed their pace
Nor recognized their gait or track
٤١. ذائِدُ الحَقِّ وَحامي حَوضِهِ
أَنفَذَت فيهِ المَقاديرُ مُناها
42. It conveyed an anxiety and leaned towards doom
That in life failed to evade its steps
٤٢. أَخَذَت سَعداً مِنَ البَيتِ يَدٌ
تَأخُذُ الآسادَ مِن أَصلِ شَراها
43. It mixes the two lifetimes, white hair and youth
And the two lives, misery and comfort
٤٣. لَو أَصابَت غَيرَ ذي روحٍ لَما
سَلِمَت مِنها الثُرَيّا وَسُهاها
44. A boat floating forever in tears
That recognized no shore but the one after it
٤٤. تَتَحَدّى الطِبَّ في قُفّازِها
عِلَّةُ الدَهرِ الَّتي أَعيا دَواها
45. The bereft slip along its traces
And when it hid from them one day, their lips cracked
٤٥. مِن وَراءِ الإِذنِ نالَت ضَيغَماً
لَم يَنَل أَقرانَهُ إِلّا وِجاها
46. A nation sheds over Saad blood
From the rock of truth it built its edifice
٤٦. لَم تُصارِح أَصرَحَ الناسِ يَداً
وَلِساناً وَرُقاداً وَاِنتِباها
47. It is sheer obstinacy in its fount
And sheer refusal in the clamor of its limpidity
٤٧. هَذِهِ الأَعوادُ مِن آدَمَ لَم
يَهدَ خُفّاها وَلَم يَعرَ مَطاها
48. Its elders taught it the truth and faith
Imbibed the truth through it like sucklings
٤٨. نَقَلَت خوفو وَمالَت بِمِنا
لَم يَفُت حَيّاً نَصيبٌ مِن خُطاها
49. It spent money, safety, and blood
And on its leader cast its hope
٤٩. تَخلِطُ العُمرَينِ شيباً وَصِباً
وَالحَياتَينِ شَقاءً وَرَفاها
50. It burdened it with a pact it fulfilled
And tested it with rights that it dispensed
٥٠. زَورَقٌ في الدَمعِ يَطفو أَبَداً
عَرَفَ الضَفَّةَ إِلّا ما تَلاها
51. The son of seventy endured captivity for it
And the misery of prison and woe of exile
٥١. تَهلَعُ الثَكلى عَلى آثارِهِ
فَإِذا خَفَّ بِها يَوماً شَفاها
52. A journey from Eden on earth to
An abode nearer than its axis
٥٢. تَسكُبُ الدَمعَ عَلى سَعدٍ دَماً
أُمَّةٌ مِن صَخرَةِ الحَقِّ بَناها
53. A vanquisher who flung it into a boulder
That repelled the eagles to it and gave it refuge
٥٣. مِن لَيانٍ هُوَ في يَنبوعِها
وَإِباءٍ هُوَ في صُمِّ صَفاها
54. A jewel in sea and land deprecated its crown
Ask it and ask those who envy it
٥٤. لُقِّنَ الحَقَّ عَلَيهِ كَهلُها
وَاِستَقى الإيمانُ بِالحَقِّ فَتاها
55. Why did nothing but it flow from the pearl
It engendered revolution a free woman
٥٥. بَذَلَت مالاً وَأَمناً وَدَماً
وَعَلى قائِدِها أَلقَت رَجاها
56. Through the honored, free lifetimes it nurtured
None wished for offspring but it
٥٦. حَمَّلَتهُ ذِمَّةً أَوفى بِها
وَاِبتَلَتهُ بِحُقوقٍ فَقَضاها
57. And who begets the radiant spurns all but it
From its cubs the forest flowed
٥٧. اِبنُ سَبعينَ تَلَقّى دونَها
غُربَةَ الأَسرِ وَوَعثاءَ نَواها
58. Between its eyes, writhing with fervor
God bless its branch
٥٨. سَفَرٌ مِن عَدَنِ الأَرضِ إِلى
مَنزِلٍ أَقرَبُ مِنهُ قُطُباها
59. And ordain the good for Egypt in its yield
Did it not write its constitution for it
٥٩. قاهِرٌ أَلقى بِهِ في صَخرَةٍ
دَفَعَ النَسرَ إِلَيها فَأَواها
60. With free blood and elevate its tribune
We wrote it so it became an image
٦٠. كَرِهَت مَنزِلَها في تاجِهِ
دُرَّةٌ في البَحرِ وَالبَرِّ نَفاها
61. Its core truth and its end truth
The rebel slept except for revolution
٦١. اِسأَلوها وَاِسأَلوا شائِنَها
لِمَ لَم يَنفِ مِنَ الدُرِّ سِواها
62. In the path of truth whose embers will not fade
As a child it adopted it warming
٦٢. وَلَدَ الثَورَةَ سَعدٌ حُرَّةً
بِحَياتَي ماجِدٍ حُرٍّ نَماها
63. Its palms, and as a youth it nurtured it
It toured it with a rousing pen
٦٣. ما تَمَنّى غَيرُها نَسلاً وَمَن
يَلِدِ الزَهراءَ يَزهَد في سِواها
64. And tongue whenever its enclosures wearied
And cast itself into its volcano
٦٤. سالَتِ الغابَةُ مِن أَشبالِها
بَينَ عَينَيهِ وَماجَت بِلَباها
65. Thus becoming the first of men to face its flames
Have you known after Moses one with a hand
٦٥. بارَكَ اللَهُ لَها في فَرعِها
وَقَضى الخَيرَ لِمِصرٍ في جَناها
66. That flung a staff into Pharaoh's face
And a grieving, screaming woman
٦٦. أَوَ لَم يَكتُب لَها دُستورَها
بِالدَمِ الحُرِّ وَيَرفَعُ مُنتَداها
67. Whose visage the yoke, O people, adorned and crowned
It obtained victory over the arrogant from an arrogant one
٦٧. قَد كَتَبناها فَكانَت صورَةً
صَدرُها حَقٌّ وَحَقٌّ مُنتَهاها
68. Victorious over the days, divinely supported
The deaf Nile mutters around it
٦٨. رَقَدَ الثائِرُ إِلّا ثَورَةً
في سَبيلِ الحَقِّ لَم تَخمُد جُذاها
69. And India's blades did not speak nonsense
Where is the free soul from my eyes
٦٩. قَد تَوَلّاها صَبِيّاً فَكَوَت
راحَتَيهِ وَفَتِيّاً فَرعاها
70. I used to see with my eyes yesterday?
Whenever I came it roused itself
٧٠. جالَ فيها قَلَماً مُستَنهِضاً
وَلِساناً كُلَّما أَعيَت حَداها
71. And confided the good tidings of me to it and summoned it
And time flowed so what did it remember
٧١. وَرَمى بِالنَفسِ في بُركانِها
فَتَلَقّى أَوَّلَ الناسِ لَظاها
72. And the soul's recollection is part of its troth
I glimpse the days in it and I see
٧٢. أَعَلِمتُم بَعدَ موسى مِن يَدٍ
قَذَفَت في وَجهِ فِرعَونَ عَصاها
73. Behind old-age the statue of its youth
I do not know when its freshness darkened,
٧٣. وَطِأَت نادِبَةً صارِخَةً
شاهَ وَجهُ الرِقِّ يا قَومُ وَشاها
74. Did age climb above it or did it climb over age?
Seventy alighted in its temple
٧٤. ظَفِرَت بِالكِبرِ مِن مُستَكبِرٍ
ظافِرِ الأَيّامِ مَنصورِ لِواها
75. So it wavered while plentiful in its column
The fright of the club if it jests
٧٥. القَنا الصُمُّ نَشاوى حَولَهُ
وَسُيوفُ الهِندِ لَم تَصحُ ظُباها
76. Its jest will not take away its splendor
Excuse will prevail against its utmost anger
٧٦. أَينَ مِن عَينَيَّ نَفسٌ حُرَّةٌ
كُنتُ بِالأَمسِ بِعَينَيَّ أَراها
77. And affection attain the ends of its approval
It has patience for its enviers
٧٧. كُلَّما أَقبَلتُ هَزَّت نَفسَها
وَتَواصى بِشرُها بي وَنَداها
78. Resembling pardoning and a clemency from attacking it
I do not forget a laughing page
٧٨. وَجَرى الماضي فَماذا اِدَّكَرَت
وَاِدِّكارُ النَفسِ شَيءٌ مِن وَفاها
79. That seizes the soul and courses to its passion
And a discourse like the tales of infatuation
٧٩. أَلمَحُ الأَيّامَ فيها وَأَرى
مِن وَراءِ السِنِّ تِمثالَ صِباها
80. That kindled in the youth a yearning and narrated it
And a rugged canal that if granted
٨٠. لَستُ أَدري حينَ تَندى نَضرَةً
عَلَتِ الشَيبَ أَمِ الشَيبُ عَلاها
81. To the unarmed fish it would be bewildered and lost in it
Where am I from a pen if
٨١. حَلَّتِ السَبعونَ في هَيكَلِها
فَتَداعى وَهيَ مَوفورٌ بِناها
82. I appoint it to eulogize the sun and elegy it
It betrayed me on Saad's day and overflowed
٨٢. رَوعَةُ النادي إِذا جَدَّت فَإِن
مَزَحَت لَم يُذهِبِ المَزحُ بَهاها
83. In the eulogies and fell short of its scope
In God's bliss a soul that was granted
٨٣. يَظفَرُ العُذرُ بِأَقصى سُخطِها
وَيَنالُ الوُدُّ غاياتِ رِضاها
84. The delights of life yet did not forget its piety
Neither revealing knowledge when its pride approached
٨٤. وَلَها صَبرٌ عَلى حُسّادِها
يُشبِهُ الصَفحَ وَحِلمٌ عَن عِداها
85. With destiny nor the science that adorned it
It passed away devout
٨٥. لَستُ أَنسى صَفحَةً ضاحِكَةً
تَأخُذُ النَفسَ وَتَجري في هَواها
86. Free from the perplexity of doubt guiding it
It perceived a frail humanity and saw
٨٦. وَحَديثاً كَرِواياتِ الهَوى
جَدَّ لِلصَبِّ حَنينٌ فَرواها
87. Behind the ephemeral world its God
It only hastened when the Truth called it
٨٧. وَقَناةً صَعدَةٌ لَو وُهِبَت
لِلسِماكِ الأَعزَلِ اِختالَ وَتاها
88. Would that it were the day of anguish that called it
٨٨. أَينَ مِنّي قَلَمٌ كُنتُ إِذا
سُمتُهُ أَن يَرثِيَ الشَمسَ رَثاها
٨٩. خانَني في يَومِ سَعدٍ وَجَرى
في المَراثي فَكَبا دونَ مَداها
٩٠. في نَعيمِ اللَهِ نَفسٌ أوتِيَت
أَنعُمَ الدُنيا فَلَم تَنسَ تُقاها
٩١. لا الحِجى لَمّا تَناهى غَرَّها
بِالمَقاديرِ وَلا العِلمُ زَهاها
٩٢. ذَهَبَت أَوّابَةً مُؤمِنَةً
خالِصاً مِن حَيرَةِ الشَكِّ هُداها
٩٣. آنَسَت خَلقاً ضَعيفاً وَرَأَت
مِن وَراءِ العالَمِ الفاني إِلَها
٩٤. ما دَعاها الحَقُّ إِلّا سارَعَت
لَيتَهُ يَومَ وَصيفٍ ما دَعاها